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Slow Access To External Peripheral Containing Pictures When Ess Active

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I searched on this forum if the problem that bring me here was already talked about, but did not find.



So, my problem is that with Eset Smart Security (up to date) active, on my W7 64b home, I have a very very strong slow down in accessing pictures on external peripheral (camcorder : panasonic HDC HS700) : transfers go at 500 KBytes/s, and it takes about 15 secondes to show one picture.


This does not occur with videos recorded with camcorder too. Transfers go to 12MBytes/s, and I can read videos directly from computer to the camcorder.



When I temporary desactivate ESS protection, pictures access, reading, and transfers return to normal speed, instant visualisation, ...


The whole configuration :


CPU : i7 950

MB : P6TWS Pro

MEM : 12 GB DDR3

HDD : SSD crucial M4 128GB via asus U3S6

Armed USB cable with ferrite


So I doubt this is a power leak from my configuration



Am I the only one impacted with this ?


Any solution suggested ? (except pausing protection each time I plug an external peripheral :rolleyes: )


Sorry for bad/poor english, I am french

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Hello, thanks for answers


Can you describe the way you go to this setting in setup menu ? (cause mine is in french ;) )


I use defaults settings on ESS


Do you mean the upper right box here ticked ?




If I deactivate this, my computer may be vulnerable if I plug external HDD and usb keys, right ?  :unsure:

Edited by geminisam
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Ok, this other ? For peripherals ?


Is unchecked too.




I think I will wait further updates from ESS, maybe the next version will resolve the matter. When I was under Eset V5 I did not have slow downs on accessing my camcorder. So maybe the V8 will not too :P


Thanks anyway for help

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You linked the same picture as before.

BTW: You can also upload the pictures directly in this forum.


And I think @Marcos and I mean the item "Contrôle de périphérique" (in English "device control"). There the option should be disabled if you don't want to use it.



And the second BTW: If you like to test ESET SmartSecurity Beta 8 then you of course can do this. More infos in this topic.

Edited by rugk
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For the link yes, I copied/pasted the previous one but forgot to modify it after writing my text.

Link modified after, maybe when you were answering ...


So, as I said before, the peripheral control is disabled, as default.

Also, when I plug an external HDD or USB key, ESS launches by its own a scan on the device (that is cool), but, on the camcorder (wich is considered as a amovible disk with read-only rights) ESS does not launches anything.

Maybe this is the read-only status of the device which is my problem with ESS ?


And for the forum upload form, I tried posting images with BBcodes [ img ] but nothing appeared except in preview window

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  1. OK, device control is disabled.
  2. It auto-scans your device. This is something you have to configured before.

    You can configure it here:


    But in your previously posted screenshot this option seems to be disabled. So it shoudn't do anything after connecting a device.

  3. About the camcorder: No read-only state shoudn't limit ESS to scan it, but maybe the camcorder does not appear as a "normal" removable device at the "Computer" of Windows 7?
  4. And about BBCode: You can't use normal BBCode here but try this:
    1. Click on "More reply options" or "Use full editor" (if it is displayed)
    2. Below the text input there is a button "Choose Files..." and there you can upload your pictures.
Edited by rugk
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Ok, so, I plugged the camcorder again

As I mentionned before, nothing happens with ESS, no pop-up, no scan (maybe because I formated drive recently and there is nothing on it to scan :unsure: )


But, maybe some clues with these pics :


Here is the camcorder as it appears on "My computer"



Properties on the camcorder "drive"



I see another device "Matshita", seems to be the card reader of the camcorder, but as I do not have card in slot, drive does not appear in "My computer", never a card was inserted in the slot, so I am sure this is a not a "missing device" problem



Also, in drives controls, the camcorder card reader appears at letter R: I do not understand why, I do not have so many drivers or readers to push this cardreader to be R:

I tried unplugging/replugging camcorders three times, but letters remains R: so, not a problem here too, just strange :)



I will end for today, I am low battery, I will make some videos and a lot of photos for further tests tomorrow ;)

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At first: great that you got it out how to upload pictures directly. So you had to test/use it many times ;) .


maybe because I formated drive recently and there is nothing on it to scan :unsure:

This might be the problem (the camcorder is empty). ESET scans the device, but ESET is too fast. There is nothing to scan so you don't see anything.

But you can also have a look at the log files to find out whether it scanned.


Also, in drives controls, the camcorder card reader appears at letter R: I do not understand why, I do not have so many drivers or readers to push this cardreader to be R:

Although it's a bit off topic... Windows is saving what devices got what letters. So many times it will tray to use the same drive letter as before. That's the reason!


And what about the other problems?

How is your setting on "Action after connecting removable media" (my post before, point 2)?

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At first: great that you got it out how to upload pictures directly. So you had to test/use it many times ;) .


I agree this forum has a upload feature easier to use I thought :D



And what about the other problems?


No other problems than the one which brings me here



How is your setting on "Action after connecting removable media" (my post before, point 2)?


Checkbox unticked, so no automatic action



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Please narrow it down by temporarily disabling "Removable media access" box in the real-time protection setup, real-time protection as such and HIPS, one by one. To disable HIPS effectively, a computer restart will be required.

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In addition to Marcos, who wants to solve your "problem that brought you here" I want to look at this problem:


How is your setting on "Action after connecting removable media" (my post before, point 2)?


Checkbox unticked, so no automatic action


So you have the setting set to "do nothing" (and not scan) but it scans your device? This would be an error.

Are you sure that it scans your connected drives automatically? Does ESS really shows the "loading animation" in tray after connecting a device? (You can also look at the log files. There all scans are logged.)

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I am sure at 90% that ESS does not launch scan on camcorder when plugging it on computer, BUT, access to pics folders is slow anyway, and transfers go at 550ko/s max. Videos folder is fastly accessed, not involved, transfers of videos from camcorder to computer are fast too.


But, if I pause ESS with notification icon menu "permanent protection" disabled "until next restart", then pics folder is accessed fastly, miniatures are shown instantly, and transfers go fast.


I will test this after work, and after taking a lot of shots first ^_^

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Sorry but that don't answers my question.

About the camcorder read this:


maybe because I formated drive recently and there is nothing on it to scan :unsure:

This might be the problem (the camcorder is empty). ESET scans the device, but ESET is too fast. There is nothing to scan so you don't see anything.

But you can also have a look at the log files to find out whether it scanned.


I'd like to know whether ESET starts an on-demand scan when you connect a device (e.g. an usb flash drive) with data on it.

Does ESS really shows the "loading animation" in tray after connecting a device? (You can also look at the log files. There all scans are logged.)



And about the problem with the slowing down, follow @Marcos' instructions.

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Sorry but that don't answers my question.

About the camcorder read this:


I'd like to know whether ESET starts an on-demand scan when you connect a device (e.g. an usb flash drive) with data on it.



And about the problem with the slowing down, follow @Marcos' instructions.




For question 1, yes, ESET asks me what to do when I plug external devices, I would like to verify that too this afternoon cause sometimes a scan is running even if I choose "scan later", when I work on my usb keys or HDD I always report scans. But I know sometimes I have to stop manually running scan.


For question 2, yes of course, but I will have to fill a bit the camcorder HDD first, as I do not have the same issue with any other device.

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Ok, so, I plugged some devices, 2x HDD, 1 usb/micro SD adapter with SD onto it.


Each time, ESET did not asked anything, and no scan launched. Strange, I remember ESET asked me what to do with external device, earlier, and now, nothing, nothing is done :mellow:


But, I searched why in settings, and settings menus, and found this :


"Action to do when amovible media inserted" was unticked, so I suppose none of the two options were executed, no automatic scan, and no popup to choose what to do.


Marcos was right in the post #11, I will tick the box and ask actions to do, as I remember how it worked before.

Edited by geminisam
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Test suite :


So, with previous setting turned ON (and a computer restart) => "ask me what to do when removable media inserted" :



I plugged the camcorder (containing photos and videos), and as before. Slow, and NOD does nothing :


Accessing a pics folder :






And NOD doing nothing




I do not understand this : Marcos, post#15 :


"Please narrow it down by temporarily disabling "Removable media access" box in the real-time protection setup, real-time protection as such and HIPS, one by one. To disable HIPS effectively, a computer restart will be required."


Please explain what do you want me to do, with pics please ? :unsure:

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Post #11 was from me and about #15: Configure ESS like this (look at your picture here from #4 if you don't know where) and test it with every configuration:
real-time protection only of external devices (see pic and #4) real-time protection  HIPS

  • deactivated |  activated | activated (only real-time access to removable drives deac.)
  • whatever |  deactivated | activated (complete real-time protection deactivated)
  • activated |  activated | deactivated (only HIPS deactivated)
  • deactivated |  activated | deactivated
  • whatever  |  deactivated | deactivated (all deactivated)

Note that you often have to restart before an option is changed.

"whatever" means that it is irrelevant how you set this option, because if the complete real-time protection is deactivated then also the specific real-time protection for removable drives is deactivated.


BTW: Sad that I cannot make tables in this forum...


And about this:

If I deactivate this, my computer may be vulnerable if I plug external HDD and usb keys, right ?

Yes, but for testing it's ok. But don't forget to activate all options again after testing.

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Your not alone. this happens to me whenever I install my USB sticks. I unplug them then plug in again and problem is gone. Uninstalled Eset and went back to Webroot. Problem gone. Go back to Eset and problem is back. 

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