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At the beggining of the month, I tried to link my ESET license to my.eset.com account and that required email confirmation. I never received the email to confirm the link between the license and the account. So, I contacted ESET support to help me with this. I never receuved any email from them after submitting the issue and no confirmation email to say the issue was sent to ESET. So, I tried again today. Still no confirmation email that my issue was sent to ESET.

I checked my Gmail settings: no addresses are blocked. The spam folder is also empty.

What can I do in this case? I am 100% certain I entered the right email address.

EDIT: I do seem to receive emails from myESET when I log into the website.

Edited by antoniu200
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I was able to find only 2 free (trial) licenses for ESET Security for Android that were registered with your forum email address. Maybe you have used a different email address; please contact your local ESET distributor who will check if you have received emails from my.eset.com.

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Well, my myESET account has indeed only 2 Android licenses currently registered to it. The ESET Internet Security multi-device license is not confirmed yet, because I don't receive the confirmation email to link it.

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Just to make sure, did you check the email you've received to alXXXXXXXXX724@gmail.com and not to aXXXXXXXXXX03@gmail.com ?

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Oh God.

Is it possible that, because somebody else (that I know of) used the license before I did on their ESET installation, all the emails went to them?

Weirdly enough they don't check their email. If possible, please override that and switch the license to me.

If needed, I can show you the receipt of the product on my email address, so you know I am indeed the one who bought it.

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1 hour ago, antoniu200 said:

Is it possible that, because somebody else (that I know of) used the license before I did on their ESET installation, all the emails went to them?

Weirdly enough they don't check their email. If possible, please override that and switch the license to me.

Regardless of how this situation turns out and assuming this is a single device license , the other individual will have to uninstall Eset on their device before it can be used w/o issues on your device.

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Both licenses were created and sold by SC Axel Soft, Romania. Please contact the distributor for a resolution.

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