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Buy Licence officiel for nod32 website and act.33


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Hi just buy licence from the link in side nod32 it open on Russie nod32 officiel web site, so i buy there i get licence 1 year, 3 devices. it work on one pc. i try to put on the seconde one and i have act.33 ??!!!

i dont know want it's this.

thank for help

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You wrote you bought the license from the Russian distributor, however, you are supposedly from France. It looks like the license was limited for use in Russia. Please contact the distributor for a refund and purchase a license from your local distributor.

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well it was not me how go on Russie web site to buy !!! nod32 force me !!! so this type of think shud NOT solution FORM CLIENT !! but strait by ESET.

More ower i have speaking we the French Eset service and they WILL manage this probleme.

"refund and purchase a license from your local distributor" this is one of the big joke i never see for GLOBAL Service informatique saler.

note : ESET

• 11 laboratoires

• 400 chercheurs

• 300 000 menaces analysées chaque jour

• +1500 employés

• +190 000 000 d'utilisateurs actifs

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3 hours ago, zorgtyty said:

well it was not me how go on Russie web site to buy !!! nod32 force me !!! so this type of think shud NOT solution FORM CLIENT !! but strait by ESET.

More ower i have speaking we the French Eset service and they WILL manage this probleme.

"refund and purchase a license from your local distributor" this is one of the big joke i never see for GLOBAL Service informatique saler.

note : ESET

• 11 laboratoires

• 400 chercheurs

• 300 000 menaces analysées chaque jour

• +1500 employés

• +190 000 000 d'utilisateurs actifs

Just to check, do you use any VPN services?

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Yes i use 5 VPN, I2P. i travel lot, it's he problème for my antivirus ?

To be honest, what can it be this logic "game" ??? Only for profit and forget abort the client final ?

Eset supposes to be one of the best with Kaspersky in the market. As the best THEY shut provide the best service, no ?


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3 hours ago, zorgtyty said:

Yes i use 5 VPN, I2P. i travel lot, it's he problème for my antivirus ?

To be honest, what can it be this logic "game" ??? Only for profit and forget abort the client final ?

Eset supposes to be one of the best with Kaspersky in the market. As the best THEY shut provide the best service, no ?


Some licenses are restricted country wise so if you have bought it while travelling or using a VPN it may have seen Russia as the country. You could try using a VPN to fix this but  the best option would be to ask for a refund then buy from your main countries website.

I think the problem is some countries have different laws. For example some countries, possibly Iran, Eset and other software is not allowed to be sold in

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  • 4 weeks later...

so here is ONE of the best Response from Eset compagny (just for fun i live the translation free) :

Le 22/07/2021 19:53:28, "Служба добрых дел" <support@sddhelp.ru> a écrit :

Уважаемый пользователь, здравствуйте!

Для устранения ошибки ACT.33 необходимо:

-Удалить Антивирусную программу.
-Установить VPN по ссылке:- : https://speedify.com/download/#

После установки нажмите: «Одобрить и продолжить». В следующем окне нажмите на последний кружок. Нажмите: «Использовать Ограниченную Бесплатную версию» следующем окне нажмите на 3 полоски в левом верхнем углу – Сервер – в появившемся списке выберете Россия. VPN включится автоматически.
Использовать VPN необходимо только на время активации, при дальнейшем использовании антивируса он не пригодится.
Если после установки VPN ошибка активации сохраняется, то сначала удалите антивирус, а затем установите его с включённым VPN (выставив в нем РФ) и повторите попытку активации»

Сообщите, пожалуйста, о результатах!

С уважением,
Служба добрых дел ESET Russia


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Below is the English translation of the above:


To resolve the ACT.33 error, you should: - Uninstall the Antivirus program.

Download and reinstall this using VPN link: https://speedify.com/download/# . After installation, click Approve and Continue. In the next window, click on the last circle. Click: "Use Limited Free Version" in the next window click on the 3 bars in the upper left corner – Server – select Russia in the list that appears.

The VPN will turn on automatically. It is necessary to use a VPN only for the time of activation, with further use of the antivirus it will not be useful. If after installing the VPN the activation error persists, then first uninstall the antivirus, and then install it with the VPN enabled (putting rf in it) and try activation again"

Please let us know the results!


ESET Russia Good Deeds Service

Err ........, what the ..........

Edited by itman
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1 hour ago, itman said:

Below is the English translation of the above:

Err ........, what the ..........

Yeah not the advice I'd expect it genuine

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