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EBA Slow Load


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We have problem with EBA load page.

We want sort device with red status in EBA, but it took so long to load. More than 20 minutes and still not load

Internet connection is good

How to solve this problem?


Thank You,


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  • ESET Staff

You have hidden the relevant information - your license ID, that would allow us to explore the problem further. Can you please send me a private message with your PLID, so we can take a look at the issue? How many devices in total have you connected / activated with the license? 

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On 2/14/2020 at 2:26 PM, MichalJ said:

You have hidden the relevant information - your license ID, that would allow us to explore the problem further. Can you please send me a private message with your PLID, so we can take a look at the issue? How many devices in total have you connected / activated with the license? 

Hi MichalJ,

I send you private message

Thank you for help,


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