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Security Management Center

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Good afternoon.

We're using the ESET Security Management Center on our network and have noticed that the Mac OS devices which have the agent installed on them are shown as "unmanaged" when viewing the list of computers with the appropriate filter applied.

We're using Version 7.0 of the management center.

We have reinstalled the agent on the Macs, they update without issue and upon checking the log files, it is reporting that enrolling with the center server has been successful. The agent installer was created using the creation tool in management center. Please note, the product is actively working correctly on the Macs and the AV protection runs daily/updates itself, we just are not observing any live information regarding this on management center. If I go to details for a working "managed" Windows 10 PC, I can see information about the installed hardware and which ESET products are installed, for the Macs, all of these details are not populated.

We need to prove that all devices on our domain are protected and up to date for an upcoming audit, can you provide any assistance on how to get the Macs to show correctly in the management center?

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What does /Library/Application Support/com.eset.remoteadministrator.agent/Logs/status.html read? Does it show any obvious error?

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  • ESET Staff
6 hours ago, Craig McLellan said:

I'm not seeing any errors myself, I've attached both logs from one of the affected Macs to this response.

logs.zip 132.17 kB · 1 download

AGENT is not connecting to ESMC because of following error:

Failed to resolve: era.<REDACTED>.uk:2222

which means that DNS resolving of ESMC hostname is not working correctly on this client. Please check trace.log for this specific error and full hostname to check that it is correct.

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