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Setup local server as primary update server

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Servus Community,

yesterday we had a short introduction to ESET Security Management Center 7.x and learned that by default clients download their definition updates from the online ESET server from the Internet. We were briefly shown how to change that clients using the local server as default and ESET's online server as fall back server only. Unfortunately, I can't remember necessary setup. There were several steps to set. Can someone briefly tell us the necessary steps and/or give us the KB articles for the new ESET Security Management Center. I don't find them either.

Thanks in advance & Bye Tom

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  • Administrators

There are two options how to update ESET Endpoint in networks besides updating directly from ESET's update servers:

1, Using an http proxy (recommended, will save a lot of traffic)
2, From a local mirror created by the mirror tool or a v7 product

To update Endpoint through an http proxy that will cache update files, simply set the proxy under Tools -> Proxy server in the advanced Endpoint setup (can be set through an ESMC policy too and it's set by default if you install EMSC using the all-in-one installer and choose to install HTTP Proxy).

To update from a mirror, please read the KB https://help.eset.com/eea/7/en-US/idh_config_update_mirror_advance.html.

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Servus Marcos,

>1, Using an http proxy (recommended, will save a lot of traffic)

The trainer means that using a HTTP roxy server isn't necessary for our environment (about 60 Clients), so he did it elswhere.

>2, From a local mirror created by the mirror tool or a v7 product

that's more likely but I had to search for a while now until I found this configuration menu at all. It's not in the ESMC, as expected, but I found it on a client in the Endpoint Security settings.  Since we want to use our server as our primary local server, I first have to install the Endpoint Security application there (which hasn't happened yet) or I misunderstood.

Is the mirror tool to be used the option marked in the screenshot below in the Endpoint Security configuration menu? Somehow this seems strange to me...

Thanks in advance & Bye Tom

Bildschirmfoto 2018-11-30 um 11.54.43 Kopie.png

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  • ESET Staff

There are two possibilities how to create offline mirror for updates:

  1. Use standalone ESMC tool named MirrorTool, which is a command line tool that prepares data for mirror, but does not provide HTTP server (see documentation).
  2. Use security product (EES/EEE/EFSW/...) that can create mirror by itself (this is what you have found in configuration of product).
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Servus Marcos,

okay, i've now setup these settings:

  • The product 'ESET File Security' is installed on the server.
  • Created a group for the ESCM server
  • Created a policy that configures the Update Mirror
  • Policy applied to the group of the ESCM server

The directory created on the server for the mirror files is already filled, so far everything should be in place on the server now.

Now the client policy is missing. I have now compared our policy template with the manual[1] and can't reproduce it word for word, now I'm a bit unsure whether I'm in the right place.  We want to distribute this through a Windows share and the manual says so:


Next, configure access to the Mirror in Advanced setup > Update > Profiles > Mirror tab by disabling Provide update files via internal HTTP server. This option is enabled by default in the program install package.  

But this path does not exist in the client policy. (See screenshot). There is no Update - Profile - Mirror tab in the template, but an Update - Profiles - Update Mirror tab.

Furthermore, there would be no setting Provide update files via internal HTTP server, but only an activation or deactivation of the HTTP server.

Either we are using a different version or the manual is inconsistent or I am in the wrong setup.

Thanks in advance & Bye Tom

[1] https://help.eset.com/eea/7/en-US/idh_config_update_mirror_advance.html?idh_config_update_mirror_advance.html

Bildschirmfoto 2018-11-30 um 13.49.29 Kopie.png

Bildschirmfoto 2018-11-30 um 13.49.47.png

Edited by pronto
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Servus Community,

we configured the access to the local mirror server now over HTTP and this works as expected.

Thx & Bye Tom

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