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has anyone ever experienced this problem? my era server service cannot run. 

this is my last log

2018-08-06 06:44:15 Information: Kernel [Thread 7f575b8a2740]: Unloading module: CTranslatorModule
2018-08-06 06:44:15 Error: Service [Thread 7f575b8a2740]: Not found: Era::Repository::Server::CRepositoryModule
2018-08-06 06:45:41 Information: [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading ESET modules from /var/opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Server/Modules/
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Local time is 2018-Aug-06 13:45:42
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: InstallConfiguration: ProductLine: era
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: InstallConfiguration: ProductVersion: 6.5.417.0
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: InstallConfiguration: Locale: en_US
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: InstallConfiguration: ProductInstanceID: e9da1f86-dc98-48f5-9dd5-56afdec633fb
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: InstallConfiguration: ProgramDataDirectory: /var/opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Server/
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: InstallConfiguration: ProductConfigurationDirectory: /etc/opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Server/
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: InstallConfiguration: ProgramLogsDirectory: /var/log/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Server/
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: InstallConfiguration: TempDirectory: /tmp/
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: InstallConfiguration: ProgramLibraryDirectory: /opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Server/
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: InstallConfiguration: ProgramEsetUpdatableModulesDirectory: /var/opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Server/Modules/
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: InstallConfiguration: CrashDumpsDirectory: /var/opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Server/Dumps/
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Hardware Fingerprint: 01000AB4-35BC-DDC8-6F64-D084CEEC92EA
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded ESET modules: 1=1069,18=1678,40=1526.10,10=1273
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Used memory before loaded module libraries is 35348 KB
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library Translator
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library Translator (used 1084 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library Updates
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library Updates (used 16 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library Database
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library Database (used 196 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library DataMiners
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library DataMiners (used 480 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library Scheduler
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library Scheduler (used 396 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library Security
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library Security (used 948 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library Network
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library Network (used 1576 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library Cleanup
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library Cleanup (used 80 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library Symbols
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library Symbols (used 184 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library DynamicGroups
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library DynamicGroups (used 176 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library RemoteDeployment
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library RemoteDeployment (used 452 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library Replication
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library Replication (used 364 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library Reports
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library Reports (used 404 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library Automation
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library Automation (used 664 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library StaticGroups
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library StaticGroups (used 568 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library EmailSender
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library EmailSender (used 276 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library SNMPTrapSender
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library SNMPTrapSender (used 128 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library SyslogSender
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library SyslogSender (used 452 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library ReportPrinter
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library ReportPrinter (used 160 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library License
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library License (used 440 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library Monitor
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library Monitor (used 136 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library Repository
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Warning: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Module library Repository was not loaded
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library LogExport
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library LogExport (used 368 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library Policies
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library Policies (used 20 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library Users
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library Users (used 692 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loading module library ConsoleApi
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Loaded module library ConsoleApi (used 1848 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Used memory before modules load and initialization is 47640 KB
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module CTranslatorModule
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: CTranslatorModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Registering translator resource
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: CTranslatorModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Module successfully initialized
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module CTranslatorModule (used 260 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module CUpdatesModule
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module CUpdatesModule (used 336 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module CDatabaseModule
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: CDatabaseModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Startup configuration builder builds successfully ...
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: CDatabaseModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Startup connection pool created ...
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: CDatabaseModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Builder rebuilds successfully ...
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: CDatabaseModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Connection pool recreated ...
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: CDatabaseModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: CDBSetupperBase::PerformUpgradeIfNecessary: Checking if ETL DB is required
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: CDatabaseModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: CDBSetupperBase::PerformUpgradeIfNecessary: Starschema is same. No ETL upgrade required.
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module CDatabaseModule (used 13372 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module CDataMinersModule
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: CDataMinersModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: CStatusLogDataMiner: Initializing local status log cache
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: CDataMinersModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: CStatusLogDataMiner: Finished initialization of status log cache
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: CDataMinersModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: DataMinerCompletionHandler: Starting completion handler worker thread
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module CDataMinersModule (used 10716 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module SchedulerModule
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module SchedulerModule (used 0 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:42 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module CServerSecurityModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module CServerSecurityModule (used 2900 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module NetworkModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module NetworkModule (used 0 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module CCleanupModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: CCleanupModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Module initialized
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module CCleanupModule (used 264 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module CSymbolsModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module CSymbolsModule (used 528 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module CDynamicGroupsModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module CDynamicGroupsModule (used 0 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module CRemoteInstallModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module CRemoteInstallModule (used 0 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module CReplicationModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: CReplicationModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: CReplicationModuleBase: Starting module initialization
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: CReplicationModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: CReplicationModuleBase: Initializing message processing
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: CReplicationModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: CReplicationModuleBase: Module initialization done
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: CReplicationModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: CReplicationModule: Initializing Server specific submodules
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module CReplicationModule (used 264 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module CReportsModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module CReportsModule (used 788 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module AutomationModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module AutomationModule (used 528 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module CServerStaticGroupsModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module CServerStaticGroupsModule (used 0 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module CEmailSenderModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: CEmailSenderModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: CEmailSenderModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module CEmailSenderModule (used 136 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module CSNMPTrapSenderModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: CSNMPTrapSenderModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: CSNMPTrapSenderModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Module initialized
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module CSNMPTrapSenderModule (used 0 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module CSyslogSenderModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module CSyslogSenderModule (used 0 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module CReportPrinterModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: CReportPrinterModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: CReportPrinterModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Module successfully initialized
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module CReportPrinterModule (used 0 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module LicenseModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module LicenseModule (used 260 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initializing module CMonitorModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Initialized module CMonitorModule (used 0 KB)
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: CMonitorModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: LicenseModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: CReportPrinterModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: CSyslogSenderModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: CSNMPTrapSenderModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: CEmailSenderModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: CServerStaticGroupsModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: AutomationModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: AutomationModule [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Facade: All triggers have been unloaded.
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: CReportsModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: CReplicationModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: CRemoteInstallModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: CDynamicGroupsModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: CSymbolsModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: CCleanupModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: NetworkModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: CServerSecurityModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: SchedulerModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: CDataMinersModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: CDatabaseModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: CUpdatesModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Information: Kernel [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Unloading module: CTranslatorModule
2018-08-06 06:45:43 Error: Service [Thread 7fb22bb4e740]: Not found: Era::Repository::Server::CRepositoryModule

Thankyou before :D

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I have similiar problem ERA ova cannot started with same log message "Not found: Era::Repository::Server::CRepositoryModule"

anyone can help?

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  • ESET Staff

This started to happen without any change in configuration? Have you been updating operatins system?

According to logs it seems that file /opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Server/Repository.so is either missing or it is corrupted. Could you verify that? In case file is there, please try to temporarily disable SELinux using command setenforce 0 and provide us output of command ls -laZ /opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Server/ in case disabling SELinux helped.

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my problem has been resolved, by replacing the /opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Server/Repository.so file with another.

Thanks before 

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  • ESET Staff
6 hours ago, Dump Kids said:


my problem has been resolved, by replacing the /opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Server/Repository.so file with another.

Thanks before 

Is it known how actually this happened? Asking because there was never reported such issue to use ...

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