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Yesterday my Eset Internet Security updated to and since then I've been having random NetIO.SYS BSOD on my windows 10 64 bit box.


I am going to post it now and edit since I don't know how long the system will stay up...the BSOD is at random.  Minidump added..changed .dmp to .txt so it can be added. 


	Fault bucket , type 0	Event Name: BlueScreen	Response: Not available	Cab Id: 0	 	Problem signature:	P1: 3b	P2: c0000005	P3: fffff8029456714c	P4: ffffea02343c2f80	P5: 0	P6: 10_0_17134	P7: 0_0	P8: 256_1	P9: 	P10: 	 	Attached files:	\\?\C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\071318-36343-01.dmp	\\?\C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\WER-37921-0.sysdata.xml	\\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WERF80C.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml	\\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WERF84B.tmp.xml	\\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WERF915.tmp.csv	\\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WERF964.tmp.txt	 	These files may be available here:	C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue\Kernel_3b_62e7e4dde7bf1cdd7ed994a4ef44b763652a50_00000000_0424f983	 	Analysis symbol: 	Rechecking for solution: 0	Report Id: 1ecc7015-0312-4d04-b229-18bceeeae492	Report Status: 4	Hashed bucket: 	Cab Guid: 0	


Edited by GrammatonClerick
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Do you have at least a kernel memory dump if not a complete dump from the crash? Does the machine crash again after a reboot?

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Yes it crashes again at random times...no ability to see when and how...can't really judge.  I will upload the new full dump once it crashes again.  It crashed twice after I posted the first post and it was random...doing different things...nothing related. 


edit:  Just crashed again....rebooted and enabled KERNEL dumps....will await the next crash and will upload the kernel dump. 

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Ok CRASHED AGAIN JUST NOW...I got the KERNEL DUMP but compressed it's 43mb....where can I upload it?  since the total here is 10


I saved the dmp in a different drive and I will just reimage the system and pray to god that I will uncheck the update before it updates...the crashes are just way too frequent and extremely annoying!

Edited by GrammatonClerick
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Ok Reimaged back to July 10th and I am now on 11.1.54, so far stable.  Will report if I get the same BSOD since if I do then it's not ESET...but honestly the only thing that has updated in my system over the past 3 days has been ESET and I have been notcing this error since the update (I think it started yesterday)...I just now have put two and two together. 

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Yes I do have AdGuard Installed. 


Is Adguard the one that is causing the issues?  Since recently they have been having a flury of updates...I have not updated to the latest one on this re-image but I did update to the latest one on the last re-image (when I was having the BSOD issues).


I don't want to let ESET off the hook but damn, you might be right.  So far neither ESET or ADGUARD has been updated to the latest version...and so far stable.


EDIT: ONCE ESET takes a look at my dump file and once I am told what's wrong (or inconclusive) then I will install ESET update first....have it a go for a day....then I will install the AdGuard update....and have it a go....whichever BSOD's first will be my metric.  (So far I've been having BSOD every hour or less....before the reimage....so a day sounds like a good metric). 

Edited by GrammatonClerick
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I have seen web references that Adguard when used in conjunction with third party AV's can cause netio.sys BSOD. I suspect that the upgrade to 11.1.54 might have triggered some conflict in Adguard.

One thing that could be tried is to uninstall Adguard. Then upgrade Eset to 11.1.54. If system remains stable, then Adguard is the culprit. I would then reinstall Adguard and see if the system remains stable.

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10 minutes ago, itman said:

I have seen web references that Adguard when used in conjunction with third party AV's can cause netio.sys BSOD. I suspect that the upgrade to 11.1.54 might have triggered some conflict in Adguard.

One thing that could be tried is to uninstall Adguard. Then upgrade Eset to 11.1.54. If system remains stable, then Adguard is the culprit. I would then reinstall Adguard and see if the system remains stable.

Honestly that is a tough call between ADGUARD (which I have a lifetime lic for and which I love for blocking ads) and ESET which I have an annual lic....I would probably drop ESET before I drop Adugard....just saying.   


Edit: Since there are MANY antivirus companies but honestly only one or two offer a whole system anti Ad/tracking/spying companies AdMuncher (defunct) and AdGuard.


Yes there is ADblock+, Orgin etc and others but those are browser and not system based...I like to have a system based protection since it protects against all ads and not only those who come through browsers (especially now with the Windows App Store etc).  I.e. It blocks windows 10 spying since it's network stack based protection as opposed to Browser App only protection. 

Edited by GrammatonClerick
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If Eset and Adguard worked OK prior to the 11.1.54 upgrade, they will probably co-exist fine again after updating. I suspect the Eset upgrade with Adguard installed "borked" something. Temporarily uninstalling Adguard and then upgrading Eset would remove that conflict if it existed. Then Adguard could be reinstalled and hopefully there will be no further conflicts.

Note that Adguard currently runs more like an AV than an ad blocker. It performs SSL protocol scanning and has anti-malware capabilities.

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Yeap I will perform a ESET and Adguard BSOD test once I get the answer from MARCOS regarding what's wrong (I've send him my dump file).  Until then I will wait.  Once it comes back then I will just do a daily backup and do the permutation of installing ESET update and leaving Adguard Alone...waiting for BSOD...then installing Adguard update...waiting for BSOD....if BSOD occurs then revert back and install Adugard update first...wait for BSOD and then install ESET update and wait for BSOD.   This will take hours, days (since I will give it a day per update for BSOD...since normally BSOD occurs randomly every few hours) of my time...which I will do for free (as many beta testers do) but honestly any update should have been vetted (talking to both ESET and AdGuard).


Ok 4 hours on active system with both former ESET and former ADGUARD and no BSOD....so either or was causing it...the question is which...I don't know....awaiting Marcos kernel dump download and further advise on how to proceed.  

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4 hours ago, GrammatonClerick said:

Honestly that is a tough call between ADGUARD (which I have a lifetime lic for and which I love for blocking ads) and ESET which I have an annual lic....I would probably drop ESET before I drop Adugard....just saying.   


Edit: Since there are MANY antivirus companies but honestly only one or two offer a whole system anti Ad/tracking/spying companies AdMuncher (defunct) and AdGuard.


Yes there is ADblock+, Orgin etc and others but those are browser and not system based...I like to have a system based protection since it protects against all ads and not only those who come through browsers (especially now with the Windows App Store etc).  I.e. It blocks windows 10 spying since it's network stack based protection as opposed to Browser App only protection. 

You can block ads through the HOSTS file, and it will work across the entire system as the OS consults the HOSTS file whenever any network connection attempt is made. See e.g. https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts, which is open-source and appears to be regularly updated. You can also use WinAero Tweaker to block both the ads and the tracking/spying built into Windows 10.

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used to run hosts file blocking but not everything nowdays uses the host file, some programs bypass it, besides it causes slowdown.  I find the Adguard solution to be more elegant, especially when there is a large collection of block files and it auto updates the lists.  


I've also use PiHole, Adguard is something on top of Pihole where I can specify specific nations and unlike Pihole adguard is able to block Youtube Ads and Facebook ads (since it runs on https and scans the site code as opposed to generic URL block). 

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49 minutes ago, Azure Phoenix said:


Were you able to resolve the issue? There was a report of BSOD at the Adguard forum.


The poster stated to also use ESET.


Yeah that was me.  I forgot my Tempnexus account on this forum so I used google login for this one.


I have posted both here and there. 

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On 7/13/2018 at 1:00 PM, Marcos said:

Do you have at least a kernel memory dump if not a complete dump from the crash? Does the machine crash again after a reboot?

Marcos any update to the issue?  Seeing that the release of the new version is only few days away.


Updating ESET to the latest pre-release components (leaving AdGuard as is...not updated). 


Adguard is at: 6.3.1399.4073


Let's see what happens. 


Current ESET build on this system:

	Detection Engine: 17724P (20180716)	Rapid Response module: 12488P (20180716)	Update module: 1015 (20180511)	Antivirus and antispyware scanner module: 1541 (20180710)	Advanced heuristics module: 1188 (20180422)	Archive support module: 1276 (20180710)	Cleaner module: 1159 (20180612)	Anti-Stealth support module: 1138 (20180625)	Firewall module: 1378 (20180509)	ESET SysInspector module: 1273 (20180523)	Translation support module: 1678 (20180410)	HIPS support module: 1322 (20180613)	Internet protection module: 1334 (20180522)	Web content filter module: 1059 (20180221)	Advanced antispam module: 7648P (20180716)	Database module: 1098 (20180530)	Configuration module (33): 1685.8 (20180621)	LiveGrid communication module: 1045 (20180410)	Specialized cleaner module: 1012 (20160405)	Banking & payment protection module: 1135 (20180625)	Rootkit detection and cleaning module: 1019 (20170825)	Network protection module: 1676P (20180710)	Router vulnerability scanner module: 1050 (20180613)	Script scanner module: 1041 (20180627)	Connected Home Network module: 1020 (20180503)	Cryptographic protocol support module: 1028 (20180626)	

Edited by GrammatonClerick
Beginning testing
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OK 55 minutes after updating just the ESET I just got a BSOD with NETIO.SYS


Enabled Complete Memory dump option and rebooted.  Will zip and upload the dump file once it BSOD's.  

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In order to prevent duplicate topics on the same subject, we'll draw this one to a close. Please continue at https://forum.eset.com/topic/16066-112490-causes-netiosys-bsod-on-win10/. We need to know if uninstalling other security software, such as Zemana AM, makes the issue go away.

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