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"Failed: Internal server error" when Deleting duplicate computers in ERA6

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I have many duplicate computer entries in my ERA6. If I try to delete them, error window "Failed: Internal server error" appears. According to some forums solution is to reinstall Agent/Antivirus on client computers, but this is not a solution for me - I have for example 3 entries of one computer name (I made reinstallations quite often). Sometime it just says "done", but all entries are still there... Licenses synchronization is also not helping…


My versions:

  • ESET Remote Administrator (Server), Version 6.5 (6.5.522.0)
  • ESET Remote Administrator (Web Console), Version 6.5 (6.5.388.0)
  • Update module 1069 (20161122)
  • Translation support module 1672 (20180309)
  • Configuration module 1526.10 (20180117)
  • SysInspector module 1269 (20170321)


Thank you for advising!




Edited by Ondrej
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  • ESET Staff

Have you selected "Deactivate devices" before deleting computers? Asking because problem during communication with ESET licensing servers is most probable reason for this error, as it may fail for various reason, including network or ESET infrastructure problems.

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Unfortunately deactivation did not helped - it is not even possible because of (again) Internal server error...


Screenshot 2018-04-24 23.31.41.png

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  • ESET Staff

Can you deselect the option to deactivate licenses and try again? As MartinK tried to explain, issues in communication with licensing servers might be preventing the deletion. You can later remove duplicated licensing entries from ELA.

Also, what is the reason for frequent reinstalls? 

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MichalJ, thank you for advise - it helped! I'll add screenshot with solution for other users...

And for your question about frequent reinstalls - this customer is high school with old hardware which is failing and have to be cleaned by reinstall more frequently than at other customers… Computer name, IP and installer remains, but ESET sometimes makes duplicity (seen also in older EAV5 + ERA5 environments)….


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