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Installing nod32 v7 ... slooooooooooow download. Is this normal?

Go to solution Solved by Arakasi,

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So after I got back from Thanksgiving break, I see that I need to re-up my security (mine was about to expire), and then I discovered that version 7 was out.


But two things:


1. My 2nd email didn't have a link to download -- had new username/password info but said I didn't have to do anything (was previously using nod 32 v5), so there was no link to download the new version.


So I went to the product download page, clicked on v7, "already purchased" (which I had done a few minutes prior) and downloaded the .exe file. Then I uninstalled v5 and started the install process for v7. Which gets me to my 2nd issue:


2. The install then downloads the actual program -- a 69.4 MB file. It has been downloading over my Time Warner Cable Road Runner cable internet for about 30 minutes now. It's FINALLY almost done. It has about 4 MB to go (2 minutes for 4 MB?  :angry:  )


Is this SLOOOOWWWW speed normal? Sheesh! I ususually download files of that size in a minute or two. Is it just a busy ESET server or something? This is crazy slow.



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Dang, guess I just caught it at a bad time.


Oh, well, it finally installed and seems to be working correctly. Not sure what was up at the time.


Thanks for the replies.

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