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DesLock+ Virtual Appliance


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There was talk on this forum, (a thread which is now archived and locked) about DesLock+ being integrated into ERA. It was penciled in to be completed by Q4 2017. Can you please confirm if this has now been done? We are in a position to start rolling this product out to our many clients and need to be able to manage it centrally from our Virtual Appliance.

Many thanks,

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Probably you meant integrating Secure Data into Endpoint and subsequent management by ERA. Unfortunately, that will take longer and Secure Data will not be included in Endpoint v7.0 but in future versions.

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We are working on integrating Deslock into ERA, by Q4/2017, which means it will be also available within ERA Virtual Appliance.


Our client has purchased DESLock+ but have an SBS 2011 server. We need to centrally manage it and was hoping to do so via our externally hosted ERA servers.

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  • ESET Staff

Hello, Deslock integration was delayed and it will be not available in the upcoming version 7 release. I can’t confirm about further plsns at the moment. For the time being, the only option is a standalone install of the Deslock Enterprise Server. 

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