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Been using Smart Security for several years. Last week (Monday-Tuesday) I started having some internet issues-lots of "waiting for" whatever website, blank white pages or being able to access a main page only to have the same issues once I tried to move around in the website. I do use AT&T DSL and thought my modem was dying-replaced that and the connection cables-same issues. Then changed up browsers, went from IE9 to IE10 and added Firefox. Same issues. Did a system restore-same issues. Scanned using various tool (SS7, ESET Online scanner, Hitman Pro, Malwarebytes...etc) all came up clean. Thought it might be a hardware issue-visited my PC shop-no hardware issues, but the tech said once he "removed" SS7 the issues cleared up. So I totally removed SS7 and installed NOD32 version 7 (used my same user name and password). Feel a bit naked :wacko: without the ESET firewall (now using Windows firewall), but my internet problems appear to be cleared (still testing). I also installed IE11.


Any thoughts? Was there an update that may have changed something in the firewall?

I was using automatic mode for SS7 firewall-don't like to fools around with settings. I still may change back to SS7 just to see.

Edited by TomFace
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Hello TomFace :-))


Did you tried to set your firewall in learning mode/or interactive mode, then reboot your system. Let the firewall create the rules necessary for you to connect to the net. When the rules are created, then set your firewall in automatic mode with exceptions, then reboot to see if this helps your situation.


Regards Janus

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Have you tried installing ESET NOD32 Antivirus to see if it makes a difference? If it doesn't, try disabling web access protection and protocol filtering, one at a time. Also confirm or deny that you have AdMuncher installed.

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Sounds like he put on nod32 & is good now.

That eliminates web protection. Could be protocol issues or somethin with firewall somewhere.

What about ssl enabled?

Does disabling firewall clear up the issue right away or not? Or still not loading with disabled.

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OK...I'm back. No to AdMuncher, I use Adfender. NOD32 is installed and running-seems to have cleared up the issue, but I miss my SS7 firewall. What I think I am going to do is what Janus suggested-so I will uninstall NOD32, Re-install SS7 and set  up the firewall in  interactive/learning mode, do some surfing and then go into automatic mode with exceptions.


And thanks to all of you for the suggestions-and by the way I did have AT&T check my line connections twice, thought maybe there was an issue affecting my geo area in general.


Will let you know what happens...

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Well, here is the latest. Uninstalled NOD32 and reinstalled SS7. Currently running firewall in auto mode-internet seems OK. Should issues pop up, ready to switch in to learning mode (as per Janus' advice). And if that fails, can always go back to NOD32. Personally, I have my doubts about the OK report I got from AT&T (I have my reasons ;)).


I needed a new modem anyway (old one was ancient). But maybe I can get AT&T to pay my tech diagnostic bill-NOT :lol:!


And by the way, Adfender does not work with IE11, but they will be releasing an update this month (I believe).

Edited by TomFace
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