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Threat Action

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In ERA web console, Threat tab shows threat detected but action taken is blank (nothing ) this threat, when checked in detail shows that it has been quarantine. My question is when a threat is in quarantine folder why cant there be any message which indicate this has been taken care, as we see when threat is deleted or cleaned by deleting. Having indication (message) on action column will reduce manual work going to the threat detail and checking if its in quarantine or no. Below is the Threat detected (unwanted safe application) and we have strict policy to clean for unwanted and unsafe application.

Hash: fb845860d148779bdf4df7a6afdb0d4aa2d89b8e
Threat Name: Win32/Bundled.Toolbar.Ask.N
Hash: b7ce5c35f14ff4786678c705058f5d31010c9c66
Threat Name: Win32/Bundled.Toolbar.Ask.N


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  • ESET Staff

Hello, we are currently tracking improvement, that every time there is "action taken" in the column, even when there is "no action" (so you will be able to filter by the action itself). I however can´t promise, that we will be having a solution in the upcoming release. But we are tracking it, with highier severity, as I we admit, it´s not a user friendly behavior, as it does not give you direct visibility. 

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