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No green border on secured browser

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Hi, I have just upgraded from Nod32 to Internet Security and I'm having trouble with the secure browser for banking and payment protection. Basically, it seems to be opening up OK when a banking website is visited BUT I'm not getting the green border or 'secured by eset' tag at the top.  I've tried the 'repair' option as I have seen suggested - still doesn't work I'm afraid.  Any ideas what could be causing the problem?  Also, even if I'm not getting the green border, is it still actually functioning as a secure browser?  I've got Trusteer Endpoint Protection installed... could this be a conflict?

Many thanks!

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I have no clue what Trusteer Endpoint Protection consists of but Banking and payment protection is not compatible with Trusteer Rapport.

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Thank you! I disabled Trusteer and lo and behold the green border appeared! So it looks like I either use Trusteer or the eset secure browser... I'm afraid I don't know enough about either to decide which one to use, if any one has any information about how they work I'd be very grateful.


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2 hours ago, Battylady said:

if any one has any information about how they work I'd be very grateful.

Appears IBM is now offering an endpoint ver. of Trusteer Rapport which was originally developed as a consumer secure online banking solution for Internet Explorer and possibly Edge.

I will just discuss the consumer ver. of  Trusteer Rapport that I am familiar with. For starters, its most important security feature is the ability to create a secure tunnel connection between the customer's browser and the bank's server. Note: the bank must have corresponding Trusteer software installed on their server. This virtually eliminates any chance for external man-in-the-middle(MITM) activity. The rest of the features it offers are on par with other security vendor's online banking protection; keylogger detection and prevention, harden browser to prevent injection attacks, etc..

The most noticeable feature of TR is its incompatibility with any other security product online banking protection. It also has issues with many anti-exec and other non-AV based security products. I tried it a couple of times a few years back and it slowed my PC to a crawl. Performance and other security software conflicts with it are the most common complaints. There are also privacy issues with the software. You will have to read its EULA to determine if the data it captures is an issue to you. 

Edited by itman
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Here is a link on software that is compatible with Trusteer: https://www.trusteer.com/en/support/compatibility-other-security-software .

It states Eset is compatible. Appears Trusteer is blocking Eset's OPP's processing which is in itself interesting. In any case, you should check and ensure Trusteer is fully functional for your bank's web site. If it is, then there is nothing further you need to do in regards to Eset's OPP exceptions and you can use Trusteer when accessing your bank's web site. 

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