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I am trying to submit a support request from the Help and Support page on ESET SS10, and it opens a browser window that has a link :

Home User & Small Office Support

which when clicked on changes to :

Downloading / Installing / Uninstalling my ESET product

But this is half obscured by the bottom of a blue box and I can see nothing further, so it is impossible to send in a customer support request!!!!

Does this mean that ESET the company is finished? No Support available any more? What is going on?

Please tell me how I can ask for help with the very bad problem of Firefox not interfacing with ESET any more. I cannot remove a banking site from the protected list because it seems to need Firefox to view the list!! And Firefox won't run because it's "already running".




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  • ESET Moderators

Hello David,

a simple restart should solve the issue with the Banking and payment protection.

Can you please share the URL and screenshot, where are you redirected once you try to submit a support ticket?

Regards, P.R.

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  • Administrators

We've fixed the international Customer care support contact page. Are you still having the issue? If so, please post a screen shot of the web page with the address bar included.

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Hello Peter


Yes, Thank you very much - that work has fixed the support web page issue, and I can now see all the options including the red 'need more support' button which I will be needing - (see my reply to the other thread).

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Your suggestion of re-starting to cure the Firefox Banking and Payment Protection problem didn't work I'm afraid. I have updated ESS10 to  10.0.390.0 and then have updated the definitions, re-started the Windows 7 machine, but Firefox 52.0.2 still says it is already running and not responding, both on opening a protected page AND when I try to list the web sites that are in the protected list to remove one so that I can access it at all unprotected.


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I am now unable to use any browser on my Windows 7 / ESet SS10 PC to access my Online Banking Web sites!

Immediately I get a Firefox popup window "Firefox is already running...etc", and with Chrome I get this :

"Protected browser could not be started.

Associated error code: 0x847695d0"

So now what do I do? Uninstall Eset SS10 and re-install?

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  • ESET Moderators

Hello David,

we identified and fixed one issue, which could be causing the 0x847695d0 error, should be distributed via the automatic module updates. 

In case it won't help can you please try to upgrade to the latest version 10.1. (released on April 11)

Please let us know, how it went.

Regards, P.R.

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Hello P.R.

My ESET Smart Security (not Premium) installation says that it is version 10.0.390.0, and that it is "up-to-date". It doesn't try to upgrade to version 10.1

Should I download the whole package again and re-install, and hope I get the 10.1 version, or is that only for "Premium" customers?

Have you fixed the HIPS "User rules file contains invalid data" popup warning in this new version?



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  • ESET Moderators

Hello David,

it may take some time, until the in-product upgrade is available.

The version is available for all customers.

The issues should be fixed in the HIPS module so I really hope that the clean installation will fix it for you.

If not I will try to assist you with further troubleshooting.

Regards, P.R.

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