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Adding Polices to Eset Endpoint Antivirus

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Hello Comunity im a Junior IT employee in a Logistic Company that we are currently implementing ESET Endpoint Antivirus Softwares in our machines...


I install the Era Web Console 6.4 recently and i deploy the agent with the Endpoint Antivirus software in each machine but my problem was that i want to implement a Block Url Polocy to each machine... But when i want to do it in the New Policy Setting i only found the ESET Security Product For Windows option and when i try to set that policy to our machines it didnt work...


Trying to figure what can be the problem i have in my machine an ESET Endopoint Security Software and when i do that policy to that machine it works...


My question is... Web Console cant assing url's blockage policies to ESET Endpoint Antivirus Software or i am doing something wrong???


Plz Help!!!


P.D: Sorry for my horrible English im from Argentina...

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Blocking url with antyvirus? Don't think so, but maybe I'm wrong.

But the question is, why there is no posibility to set policies for Endpoint Antyvirus?

Edited by haldop
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Yes you can do it, if you have ERA web console go to ADMIN -> POLICIES -> NEW POLICY -> SETTINGS -> 'ESET Security Product For Windows' -> Web and Email -> Web access protection -> URL ADRESS MANAGEMENT and there you can block or give permission to access to diferents urls...


I dont really know thats why im asking about that... With ESET ENDPOINT SECURITY the ERA block and permit all the urls that i enter but a machine with ESET ENDPOINT ANTIVIRUS doesn't do anything... if you can do it plz let me know!!!


Waiting for more answers!!! :lol:

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  • ESET Staff

There are two ways, how to block URLs. By the means of "webcontrol" which is available only in Endpoint security, and by the means of "Web Acess Protection" which has its url management. This is available also for Endpoint Antivirus.

Check: hxxp://help.eset.com/eea/6/en-US/index.html?idh_config_epfw_scan_main_page.htm

Edited by MichalJ
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There are two ways, how to block URLs. By the means of "webcontrol" which is available only in Endpoint security, and by the means of "Web Acess Protection" which has its url management. This is available also for Endpoint Antivirus.

Check: hxxp://help.eset.com/eea/6/en-US/index.html?idh_config_epfw_scan_main_page.htm




I dont know if you understand me... I want to manage by ERA WEB CONSOLE (ERA REMOTE ADMINISTRATOR) the url blockage of my terminals by using policies that has ESET Endpoint Antivirus... I saw in youtube tutorials that the ERA console 5.x has the option to set custom policies to either EES or EEA so when i try to do it here in ESET WEB CONSOLE 6.x i saw that the only option that the web console has its the ESET Security Producs for Windows and only works on EES and no in EEA so my question was how can i put a policy in ERA WEB CONSOLE that allows me to block all the unwanted urls in all my computers and dont need to do it one by one...


i hope now you understand me... and sorry if i am not very clear but my english its not so good


Thanks for the answers

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  • ESET Staff

Policy for "Security product for windows" applies for both Endpoint Antivirus and Endpoint Security. However, not all features are includes in Endpoint Antivirus, so we need to understand which settings you are using (maybe paste here a screenshot of the created policy).

Ideally, you apply such policy to a group, where all of your terminals are located.

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  • Administrators

As it's been already mentioned, you can block http addresses via the URL management in the Web access protection setup. This works both with ESET Endpoint Antivirus and ESET Endpoint Security. Is that what you would like to accomplish but you're having issues with it?

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