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Issue with manual file scan with ESET NOD32 Antivirus 10.0.369.0


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I am running 2 licensed copies of ESET NOD32 Antivirus version 10.0.369.0 on 2 systems and am a long time ESET NOD32 user, but a first time poster.

I have replicated this issue on 2 systems available to me. A Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition system and a Windows 7 64-bit Home edition system (both rigs assembled by myself).

Issue: When attempting to manually scan a file by right-clicking the file and then left-clicking on "Scan with ESET NOD32 Antivirus", it seems as though nothing happens. However, if you repeat this process of scanning again, the `Computer scan' section of ESET will finally pop-up on screen and show 2 `Context menu scan completed' sections with the `Dismiss' option for each of the 2 times the file was scanned.

Once ESET has manually scanned a file twice, as mentioned above, then ESET will pop-up on screen for each new file manually scanned until the next system reboot. Upon a new system boot, the above mentioned issue reoccurs with nothing seemingly happening on the first manual scan.

I keep checking for new Product Updates through ESET Update, but so far version 10.0.369.0 seems to be it. I thought perhaps someone else may have noticed this issue and reported it for a fix.

Neither of the Windows 7 systems exhibited this issue with ESET NOD32 version 9. Version 9 was completely uninstalled from both systems before version 10 was installed.

Is anyone else noticing the above on Windows 7 or other versions of Windows?

If there is any further information I can offer up, please let me know.

Edited by Marcos
Formatting adjusted
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If you want to re-scan already scanned or trusted files, disable smart optimization for the context menu scan profile in the ThreatSense parameters setup.

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Hi Marcos, thanks for your reply.


After reading your reply, I -think- I ended up making the change you suggested by going into `Setup', `Advanced Setup', `Antivirus', `On-Demand Computer Scan', under the `Basic' heading on the right side of the screen, then changing my `Selected Profile' from `In-Depth Scan' to `Context Menu Scan'.  Then going under the `Context Menu Scan', `Threatsense Parameters',  `Other', `Enable Smart optimization' and choosing X instead of the check mark, then clicking `OK' to save the changes.  I then rebooted just to make sure everything took effect.  I have attached file `ESET screen 1.jpg' to show you where I made this change.


If that was the proper method to do what you suggested then, unfortunately, the original issue still persists with no change.


Attached file `Manual scan screen 1.jpg' shows what I am doing to experience this issue after each new system start or reboot.  Right clicking a file and then left clicking for ESET to scan it.  Nothing seems to happen, no ESET pop-up window with a result of no virus where I have to click `Dismiss' to clear the scanned file.


Attached file `Manual scan pop-up window screen 1.jpg' shows the proper pop-up screen that I am expecting to pop up each time I manually scan a file.  However, since installing ESET 10 this window only comes up after a new system boot if I scan a file manually twice.  Then it pops up, as I wish it to do, and I can then click `Dismiss' on the file in question and close the pop-up window.  Then, until a reboot, I will get the pop-up window (which is what I want) each time I manually scan a file.


Thanks for any further help that you or someone can offer to this perplexing issue.  Again, neither of the 2 systems that I am experiencing this on had it happen with version 9.


If I can make any of this more clear, please let me know and I will do my best.  I understand some of my terminology may be a bit off.  :)



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Since it has been a while, I just wanted to confirm that this issue still exists on 2 systems that I can verify it on.  I should imagine then that others would be having this as well.  I'm surprised they aren't chiming in.  Hmm.  Anyhow, if anyone has had this issue, please post it here and, of course, any resolution aside from a product update.  Thanks.  :)

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  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone.  Since I haven't been able to, as of yet, learn of a fix for this I have just now (1-28-2017) emailed ESET Customer Care.  If I learn of anything to correct this issue, I will share it here.  Keep watching.  :)


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I'd suggest uploading the following stuff to a safe location and dropping me a pm with download links:
1, The file you scanned
2, The output from ESET Log Collector (see my signature for a link to a KB with instructions).

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Hi Marcos!  It has been a while.


As for the information you requested, I will be unable to run a log collector from these 2 secure systems.

As a reminder, both systems have the identical issue created in ESET 10.0.369.0.  Version 9 and older does not have the affliction.

As for the file scanned, I can tell you that on any Windows 7 64-bit system, you can create a simple notepad file on the desktop, name it test.txt, open it, type the word `test' into the file and save the file and then close it.

Now, right click that test.txt file, then left click on `Scan with ESET NOD32 Antivirus' from the menu and ESET opens a window that shows you it has scanned the file and found no problem (see attached screen shot titled ESET issue 2).  Then you can click on `Dismiss' from within that window and close the window.

To create the issue, now we reboot the computer(s).  Once the system(s) are restarted and you are back at the desktop, right click on that same test.txt file, then left click on `Scan with ESET NOD32 Antivirus' from the menu and then nothing -visibly- happens.  No ESET window opens up.  *Now*, right click that same test.txt file again (without further rebooting!), left click on `Scan with ESET NOD32 Antivirus', and (as it should) ESET opens the scan results window and shows that the file is OK - but wait!  Now you can see (courtesy of the attached screen shot titled ESET issue 1) that there are -2- sections to click on Dismiss in.  This shows that ESET did in fact run the first attempt at scanning the file -after rebooting and showing no window-.  This is the issue.  That ESET is not opening that report window on the first manual (user) scan of *ANY* file(s) after a system reboot.

Once any file on the system at all, *ANY FILE*, has been manually scanned twice, then the ESET window will pop up and open for each file that is manually scanned until the next time that particular system is rebooted.  Then the issue returns again until any 2 manual file scans are run (including if it is on the same file).

I would think that this would be very easy for the ESET programming team to recreate on any Windows 7 64-bit system as I can uninstall ESET from any Windows 7 64-bit system and install it on another system, activate it, and then recreate the issue with ESET NOD32 version 10 (and the same systems will work just fine with version 9 and lower).



ESET issue 1.jpg

ESET issue 2.jpg

Edited by Wil174111416
Forgot to attach the needed files. My bad! :-)
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Hi TomFace!

Thanks for the information on the newer version.  I did download it (10.0.386.0) per your recommendation and then installed it over top of 10.0.369.0 on one of the systems.

After rebooting, unfortunately, the issue remains.  Manually scanning any given file one time `appears' to do nothing.  But once I scan 2 files manually, the ESET window pops up as it should with the `Scan completed.  Zero threats found.' window for any files manually scanned, until the next computer reboot.

Again, I appreciate being made aware of the newer version to try out.  Thanks.  :)


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  • 2 months later...

OK, there seems to finally be a fix to this bug!

On 4-20-2017, I installed the latest version of NOD32 Antivirus (version on one of the systems and the scan issue was completely resolved.

So this morning, 4-21-2017, I downloaded and installed version on the remaining Windows 7 systems.  Each system's ESET NOD32 is now working as it is suppose to.

So, for those with the issue, grab that new version or perhaps a higher version by the time you read this if this article is archived.

Thanks again to everyone for their assistance.


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