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Feature error


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I have the following question I installed eset antivirus in virtual machines in citrix but when they reinciaron desues to quiet the solution
Previous commenced reporting the pop3 protocol and nonfunctional http and anti-virus and non-functional antispyware because this error occurs
And that solution can be given, already has been tested reinstalling but the error continues leaving after restarting the machines

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Please clarify what you mean by "reinciaron desues to quiet the solution" as it doesn't make any sense to me. Did you use a translator? If so, perhaps you could post also in your language so that we can try to translate it ourselves. However, I'd strongly recommend contacting the Customer care responsible for your region in the first place to prevent any misunderstandings.

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ya que mi ingles no es tan bueno necesito saber como solucionar el siguiente problema un cliente tenia instalado bitdefender se desintalo y se instalo eset en unas maquinas virtuales en citrix pero una ves instalada la solucion de eset antivirus comenzaron a reportar estas maquinas error de funcionalidad de protocolos pop3 y http y en otros errores en antivirus y antispyware.


como se puedo solucionar este error o porque se produce ?


gracias por la ayuda que me puedan prestar.

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  • Administrators

First of all, I would strongly recommend contacting your local customer care to prevent any misinterpretations or misunderstandings due to the language barrier. You didn't mention what operating system is installed on VMs. Hence I'd start off with providing logs from ESET Log Collector which will also include information about the oper. system, loaded drivers, etc. When done, you can pm me the logs for perusal and then we'll decide about next steps.

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