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cyberhash last won the day on May 23

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About cyberhash

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  1. If you go to this link and click the + SIGN (What's Inside) on the webpage it lists the differences. https://www.eset.com/uk/catalogue/?gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gclid=*#home-featured&source=google&medium=cpc&campaignname=_uk_eng_b2c_google_pmax_br_rev_gen_mtd_Performance_Max_NEW_DO
  2. Only one of the times that i tried to load the site i got the same error that you did and any subsequent visits has worked properly. I have clicked on links and video's and they all work correctly for me. Do you have Edge or another browser that you can try and see if its working with that ?.
  3. @Newtype Have you tried clearing the cookies and site data , by clicking the padlock symbol beside the url bar and then trying again. Seems to work every time i go to the site now
  4. Strangely the site worked for me ONCE. After i closed the tab and went back and tried to reload im getting the same "Secure Connection Failed" message as the OP. Then i closed the tab and retried and it worked again ....... Strange stuff
  5. @TomasPI was always under the impression that central Europe was +1 ahead of the UK, regardless of the season/time of the year. Looks like brussels(eu govt) wants to get that changed by 2026 just to add more confusion 😂
  6. When dayliight saving time is adjusted there is still only 1 hour difference. This is the time difference between the UK and Slovakia. Because the DST time changes in both these countries it is still only 1 Hour and always will be. ESET HQ would need to be further east , like Ukraine etc for it to be +2 hours.
  7. I think GMT is just shown for a baseline and the +1:00 is in relation to where the ESET HQ is.
  8. Adblock Plus is another browser add on alternative and its good.
  9. Handy page for reference for users is at https://status.eset.com/
  10. Not blocked for me , are you sure its ESET that's blocking it ?
  11. Easily answered ... just get yourself ESET's product. I gave up trying other vendors software a long long time ago as there was always many reasons that brought me back to ESET every time. You get a free trial anyway , so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain
  12. No problem . The forums help out a great deal when there is things we cant find easily
  13. https://support.eset.com/en/kb332-ports-and-addresses-required-to-use-your-eset-product-with-a-third-party-firewall All the ip addresses are at the bottom ☺️
  14. At a guess you have downloaded this file from somewhere other than google play store ? The genuine app will not flag up as a threat.
  15. Totally agree , historically there has never been such a narrow margin between products. Plus there is never any real data provided as to the samples used or the complexity of them. These reviews have never painted a clear picture of the complete experience of the products. Takes months of using anything on a daily basis to get a true feel for how they stack up.
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