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Everything posted by eornate

  1. Hi everyone, On my cloud, the feature "Network isolation" is not available I have to into the ESET INSPECT to use this feature. On the on-prem, i can use this one How to i can use this one on cloud ?
  2. Hi @Marcos, Thank your reply. Yes, I know.I mean that which the file > 64MB -> how to ESET would protect endpoint with this file (unkown before) ?
  3. Hi every one, I have a question about Eset live guard. What is the maximum size of a file which can be sent? ESET Security products can submit files up to 64 MB in size. You can define a maximum size to send in your policy for ESET LiveGuard Advanced. So if with the file greater than 64MB, how to ESET analysis this file before use ? Thanks in advanced.
  4. Hi everyone, Today, after migrate Eset from OVA centos 7 to new OVA rocky 9, i experienced the issue : the client was appear duplicate on the portal, i just have only one this client and have no clone machine. Have you been ever experiencing with this ? And i have a question with task "Reset Cloned Agent ", i was not use the task before and i don't know when use this task although i read the guide.Anybody can explain to me for the scenario ? Thanks in advanced.
  5. Hi everyone, Today , i tried to install the efs- on my server however it can not. I used task on eset protect server and tried install manually on server but the both have the same issue with error : I tried use "dnf clean packages" and reinstall but it same the error. How to i can install efs for my server ? Thanks in advanced.
  6. Hi everyone, I have a question about Eset Inspect server ( EIS).I have the Eset server protect ( ESP) and EIS, i'm going to migrate the EPS to new ( for example from appliance Centos 7 to new Rocky 9).So after migrate clients from old EPS to new EPS , do i need to do for the clients can connect to the EIS ? Thanks in advanced.
  7. Hi @Marcos right now i can't access the link to download
  8. Hi @Marcos, Is there the completely solution for this issue, customer can not double check manual on each client. They can confirm that when the alert appear on the Eset protect server, they've checked these clients, which are enabled the AMSI feature.This seems the false positive and sometime it's appear on many clients.The customer want to sure that is not false positive." re-enabling it and clicking OK" -> not resolve the issue, they have to reboot client ( although this feature was enabled) -> this alert not appear , but it reappear after many days.
  9. I guess the reason that your OS windows server is missing update for ACS. Let try to download standalone install (msi) and setup, it'll alert that .Just update the OS serverr to latest.
  10. It's ok after restart service EEE.Thank you for your support. By the way, is there the status portal about EEE service that i can know if the problem with sync error : A connection with the EEE Proxy server could not be established (0xC010001E)
  11. Hi @Kstainton, Right now i still can not sync proxy although can access all url : https://stratus.deslock.com/
  12. hi , @Kstainton Today i has the same issue, it has just synchronizing for all time Is there the monitor for incidents as :
  13. Hi everyone, I'm using eset protect server onprem and i has the isssu with information on client. Although task update data is finished but on endpoint still NOT UPDATE DETECTION ENGINE and the eset dashboard is alert this client not update. But on detail endpoint, DETECTION ENGINE is update . Any one can help me ?
  14. Hi @Kstainton, it's ok right now.
  15. Hi everyone, Today my EEE server can not sync properly with error : A connection with the EEE Proxy server could not be established (0xC010001E) I tried to access this URL but it is not available.
  16. Hi everyone, Hope you're doing well. Today i had the issue with Web Access Protection (WAP) on Eset server security for Linux (ESSFL) . After install ESSFL , i can not access the web console on this server, and i tried disable the feature WAP that i can access the web console.( a particular eset protect server web console) If i enabled WAP feature, web console will not access.Have you been ever meet this issue ?
  17. Hi everyone, I had set up the ESET INSPECT SERVER with hardware 16GB, MYSQL version 8.0.33 and i put 12G as the recommended ESET guide : Howerver, i can not start mysql service. I tried to set 4G and i can start the mysql service. Is there my mistake config ? Thanks in advanced.
  18. Hi Marcos, I created task for scheduler scan with profile SMART SCAN : It completed with 24:25:29 hours.
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