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Posts posted by Marcos

  1. When you first connect to a network and choose Home network (ie. a network with sharing and some other services enabled), an authenticated zone will be generated automatically based on certain network parameters (e.g. DHCP or DNS server IP, gateway's IP, SSID,etc). If this parameter changes and the zone cannot be authenticated, you'll be presented the dialog with network type selection.

  2. It's a potentially unwanted application, it's not FP. PUA detection is fully optional and it's up to the user whether he or she wants to have this kind of applications detected or not. Having said that, we'll draw this topic to a close.

    Note: the only communication channel for disputing detections is email as described in the KB article hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN141.

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