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Posts posted by Marcos

  1. I'd suggest leaving HIPS mode in automatic mode. If you are computer savvy, you can define your own rules, e.g. make HIPS prompt you for an action when an application attempts to write to a run key. For instance, I use a rule to ask me before running an application for which no rule has been created yet.

  2. If you encounter an issue with the system locking up with ESET installed, please create a complete memory dump as per the instructions here which should help the engineers find out the cause. When you have a dump from the point of a system lockup ready, contact Customer care (or me or another ESET moderator) who will provide you with further instructions how to convey it to ESET.

    It's often 3rd party drivers or applications that clash with ESET's products. I, for one, am not aware of any stability issues that the latest public builds of ESET's products would suffer from.

  3. Basically it should be enough to restart / turn on the computer, wait approximately 5-10 minutes until EAV/ESS updates and a startup scan is run in the background. Then restart or turn off/on the computer and the malware should be gone. Sometimes it may be necessary to wait until the next update with a detection for the malware is issued. In such case, contact Customer care who will assist you without the need to wait for the update.

  4. This kind of error normally occurs if the backup msi file is deleted from the \Windows\Installer folder. I'd suggest removing ESET completely using the Uninstall tool as per the instructions here and installing EAV v6 from scratch.

  5. First of all, nothing has changed in recent Endpoint builds that would make the mentioned issues manifest. 


    First - updates. Older versions of ESET that I used would pop up a message box when they had updated their virus database. No problem. ESET Endpoint Security does the same, but with one difference - this messagebox grabs control. So when I'm typing, text suddenly disappears in the ESET window instead of going to my text editor. And when I'm playing a keyboard-controlled game, my frentic keyboard-smashing no longer controls my avatar, causing me to lose a life. Can you please change it back so that the message box informing me of updates no longer grabs control? (Or, as a second best alternative, tell me how to change the options to fix this issue?)



    This issue should be fixed in the latest build 5.0.2214.


    Second - sometimes, ESET Endpoint Security will pop up a message saying that it requires my attention. Again, something previous versions did too. But again with a difference. With the previous versions, when I responded by clicking, I would see a reason. Okay, usually the reason was that I was behind with my patches, something that Windows Update would eventually fix for me anyway, but at least there was a good reason. Now, when ESET wants my attention, I am taken to the main screen showing all green tick marks for the protection status, and no indication at all for why my attention was asked. Why?


    This is nothing new and the issue with pop-up notifications has been there for ages. V6 had the notification feature completely revamped to rule out the possibility of a bug. This didn't stop the notifications from appearing, however. Recently we've found out that the issue is most likely caused by the fact that Windows returns an undocumented error number. A workaround for this will be incorporated in one of the future builds.

  6. Unfortunately, it's not clear what issues you've been facing while using ESET's products. Could you elaborate more on that? ESET has been continually improving the functionality, stability and overall usability of the products. Regarding malware detection, this has been tremendously improved since v2 and ESET is now able to protect against most of newly emerging threats proactively while detection for not yet recognized threats is added almost immediately.

  7. It looks like a setup file so it may not be scanned internally. Please PM me the download link to the file as I was unable to find it according to the hash. Alternatively you can email it to ESET as per the instructions here.

  8. It's malware written in Autoit. It registers in the HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run/Windows Service Manager key and HKCU/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run/Windows Service Manager with the path C:\ProgramData\Windows Service Manager0\xsytzecrn.exe. (The file name seems to be random.)

    According to the alert, there was no error while cleaning. Try restarting the computer to make sure the malware does not load.


    The malware will be renamed to Win32/Neurevt.A as of the next update.

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