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Posts posted by Marcos

  1. I agree with Marcos, and we haven't really seen what AMS (advanced memory scanner) goes for yet. But I bet ESET knows how effective it is through their internal testing  :D


    I use v7 for testing unrecognized malware from live malicious urls and AMS catches it in most cases. I look forward to seeing results of malware tests with v7 :)

  2. Perhaps the following warning applies to WIndows 8 under certain circumstances, too:



    If you are using the ESET Uninstaller tool to remove ESET Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange Server from Server 2008, you will be required to reinstall your network card drivers.


    Personally I haven't had a chance to try it on Windows 8 so if somebody has some experience with this, feel free to share. In the mean time, try reinstalling your network card drivers.

  3. We'd need to get a complete application memory dump of egui.exe from the point it spikes up the cpu. On Windows XP, you can use Procdump (run procdump -ma egui.exe), on newer OS a dump can be created via the Task manager by right-clicking a process and selecting "Create dump file".


    You can also try installing the latest v6 from scratch by running this Uninstall tool in safe mode or try v7 beta.

  4. However, the problem with the quarantine object stays the same. In the "Tools" window I still see at "Quarantine", Number of quarantined objects: 1.

    But, no object in Quarantine at both accounts.


    Search for *.ndf files under c:\users or c:\documents and settings. Maybe you didn't look into the NetworkService or LocalService folders.



    I thought this was an official Eset forum where Eset professionals offering help to solve problems, but in 3 days I've received any response.


    This forum is not meant to be a replacement for Customer Care. It's meant for sharing knowledge among ESET users and to provide assistance with issues that can be solved reasonably quickly. For issues where further logs are required and that may require numerous iterations with a support personnel, we strongly recommend contacting Customer Care.

  5. I think ESET should develop proactive defense system just like SONAR, Deepguard and so on. Although ESET has outstanding detection capability so far, but from my standpoint, signatures and heuristics seems more difficult to deal with latest threats.

    Of course, ESET has HIPS system that allows security Geeks edits its own rules to against virus, but most ESET users aren't experts. Besides, the default mode of HIPS is totally useless when a malicious app is running.

    Please consider this suggestion.


    ESET will only uses protection systems that do not trigger false positives. ESET LiveGrid coupled with Advanced heuristics and HIPS (advanced memory scanner) bring superior protection against zero-day malware.

  6. Tried to install along side the free McAfee from my ISP.  I'm not sure if this caused the problem, but the install failed silently.  I rebooted, and retried the install, and my computer froze.  Nothing would run or load, and nothing was in use.  RAM wasn't growing.  Disk was IDLE.  CPU was IDLE.  I had to boot into rescue mode and use a restore point.  I'm willing to try again some time in the future if this becomes a known issue and a workaround or fix is published, but for now, not pleased.


    Which exact McAfee product do you have installed on your pc? In order to prevent issues and clashes, AV programs usually detect an existing security solution and don't allow to continue with installation until the

    current AV program is uninstalled completely. This check is also performed by ESET products, including v7.

  7. Oh,I forgot an annoying issue when scanning in the option open scan a the new window-the scan log moves-I have to pause scanning or hold my mouse to stop it from moving and see what I need. I would really like it if ESET would fix this 


    To me it behaves as supposed. As long as scrolling log is enabled, the log will scroll automatically. If you need to move through the log during a scan, disable scrolling.

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