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I have just installed the Remote Administrator and have attempted top push out the agent.


I have selected all my machines in the relevant OU and triggered the event.


This morning is has pushed to 90 machines.


However, some will have been off - but will have been switched on this morning.


Should the 'invoke asap if event missed' parameters deploy to these automatically?




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  • ESET Staff

Should the 'invoke asap if event missed' parameters deploy to these automatically?


No, this configuration parameters applies to task as a whole. In your case, remote installation task has been started (= event was not missed). This parameter will re-run tusk for example in case you plan it to specific time and SERVER won't be running at expected time of execution.


In your case you will have to re-run task manually so that AGENT is deployed to remaining computers. I would suggest to modify task to be deploying only to computers without AGENT already installed, but even deploy to already managed computer should not break anything -> already installed AGENT will be "repaired".

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