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Pushing server address to EES5

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We recently did a new deployment over our office of EES5, but without connecting it to central server.


Now we want to connect it, and as registry protected, I made a new MSI holding custom configuration as per this manual:


This works fine on Windows 7, but on Windows 8 blocked by SafeScreen due to invalid MSI signature.


What are our options to connect the machines to central server (other then doing it manually)?


Some notes:

  • The machines are not in domain, root password is diffrent on every one
  • We did the deployment by uploading the MSI to Amazon S3 and giving people a link
  • The MSI works on Windows 7 by Repairing the installation



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  • ESET Moderators

Hello SyRenity,


as far as you were installing in this way "We did the deployment by uploading the MSI to Amazon S3 and giving people a link" I assume that the users have administrative rights.

The easiest solution is to create configuration .xml and send it to users for import of settings with steps how to do it:

1. Download the configuration file

2. Open your ESET Endpoint Security

3. Select setup -> Import and export settings -> select Import settings -> browse the configuration file -> select open and confirm by OK


P.S. I would recommend you to protect the settings by password as the users shouldn't be able to change them.

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Thanks for your suggestion.


If the only way to rely on users, seems the fastest way is to send them master server URL, and ask to enter it in remote administration setting.


Your opinion?

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  • ESET Moderators

Hello SyRenity,


in case you would like to set just the primary ERA server than yes, but if you would like to set secondary server, authentication and other things the import would be easier.

Of course it depends on discipline of your users.


I would recommend you to monitor connections via Clients tab and compare it with actual state on your network.

How many workstations do you have approximately?

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Wouldn't be easier to just push installation via ERA on these machines? - push installation to all unregistered machines with IGNORE_CONFLICTS=1 command ?

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