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K-lite Codec and NOD


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Hello, I'm using K-lite Codec Mega Pack 1.3.0 and NOD 32 8 version as well since August. Today NOD says that a few files with .lnk extensions like LAV or FFDShow  are bad and moved them to quarantine. My question above files are really bad? and why only today not earlier? Maybe with today virus singatue is something bad?





I chcecked on my old laptop where is installed K-Lite version 10 from 2013 and nod did the same.

Edited by cgl86
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  • ESET Moderators


It may be that we reevaluated some files and decided they should be included in our Virus Signature Database update.

In any case, if you believe a file is being detected mistakenly, please submit the files in a password-protected archive (with password set to 'infected') to samples@eset.com

Thank you.

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  • Administrators

The issue was fixed a while ago. Please make sure that you have the most current signature database installed, then restore the files from quarantine.

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