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Possible ERA Agent Bug?

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The ESET Remote Administration Server version is 6.1.365.0. What I discovered is that my client machine was running slow, even after reboots. After extensive troubleshooting, I found the hard disk activity was pegged at 100% utilization and the culprit was the client ERA Agent. When I would suspend the ERAAgent.exe service, my disk activity would drop. After turning the service back on, it would spike and stay at 100%. I decided to check on the ERA Server and found that for some reason the server was not responding on the network. A reboot of the server brought it back online and after a few minutes, the client was happy and disk activity normal. My issue, at this point, is not the server lock up, but that if the server is not available the client agent will hijack my machine. The speed of my machine was so slow it was unusable. Looking to see if there are any options that can be disabled/enabled that could be possibly causing this or if it by design, like most of the new settings that break things.

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I've never heard of anyone complain about this since 6.1.365.0 was released. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the global release that rolled out in February-ish?


ESET has new updates for all of its components, version 6.1.530.0 for the Server. You can try looking there.

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