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Hi, guys. I have tried ESS for few days and I would like to share my little review about ESS network filter. Honestly, after installing ESS, my network speed and some programs are somehow (not highly but somehow) affected. The network performance seems to be unstable, some times my browser has some problem loading the web pages and I would actually have to reload them or it loads too slow. My programs like Nitro PDF reader and Internet Explorer were crashed suddenly after I responded to the first ESET firewall interactive mode alerts about the permission to initiate its outbound connection. However, the culprit can be also the connection setting for the programs themselves. My conclusion is ESET needs to be as fast as possible at filtering the network traffic or packets or protocol before the users feel any significant difference on the network performance. I do also believe that if more rules are created and are more specified, ESET would take more time at filtering. ESET has robust performance in its antivirus scanning and HIPS, but I hope it would improve its network filter. I am ESET fan and I do not want to get disappointed. Thank You.

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Anyway, I will continue to monitor the network performance and so far it seems stable, will report any issue encountered. Thank You. 

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There should be no impact on performance even if more rules have been created unless some of them is blocking certain communication that might affect a specific application.

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Thanks to your reply. No communications are blocked under the specification of rules except some communications specified in pre-defined rules by ESET and Apple Bonjour service are blocked. If there is any initiation of connection, ESET would report to me since I set the firewall into interactive mode. My network performance is somehow affected. Most recent case is when I was using FB and watching video, the webpage hanged totally, I coudn't click anything on the webpage but I could click other tabs that I opened and surf other webpages. The problem is either crashed or hanged or slow network speed. I did not have any of this problem prior to installation of ESS.

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If you run into issues related to viewing websites, make a quick test and temporarily disable web protection and protocol filtering, one at a time, and see if the issue goes away.

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I just want to say that it's very good that you report about your issue and are willing to work with ESET on this, (unlike some other users if you know what I mean). Letting ESET know about any issue one may have and do some testing is the only way to find the cause and hopefully a possible solution to it.

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Ya. Swex. I get what you mean. I would of course report the issues to ESET as an improvement for the future release. ESET will always be my top favorite. I won't just go off and whine like a baby at everywhere. :)

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I would try and let you know soon. There is a user who is also facing network issue like me. Here is the post: hxxp://www.wilderssecurity.com/threads/eset-smart-security-info.373994/ (Kindly refer to post 15)


I would let you know latest by Monday. Thank You.

Do you use any browser add-ons or extensions in your browser?


The only one I use is uBlock for Firefox. 


It's good that the TS in the Wilders thread confimerd that the issue was with ABP for IE, as it worked fine with Chrome.

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No. I don't use any add on in my Chrome browser but I sandbox it with Sandboxie and surf web with it every day. I have just installed Adblocker in IE and Firefox but I don't have issue about ads block delay like him in IE. I was about to tell him that but coincidentally he said there is something wrong with the latest Adblocker. The overall problem I am facing is actually unstable network performance. Sometimes the webpages load slow, sometimes, like the FB case I mentioned above, the webpage is hanged but is not crashed but sometimes the whole program is just crashed due to fatal communication error like packet loss or delay due to filtering. I assume there must be something to do with the firewall including the protocol filtering. I would like to try to disable it but I am not able to give the difference now as I need few days inspection on the network performance.

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I am actually quite curious on how the protocol filtering works with the firewall. May I know is protocol filtering a feature of the firewall even though it is assigned to Web Protection section? If this is the case, IMHO, this will work like a double filtering which might affect the network performance significantly. First filtering is packet filtering and the second one would be protocol filtering. To filter the packet for two times prior to sending and receiving might be resulted as packet loss. This is just my opinion, I have no idea how actually the protocol filtering works.

( It is 1:30 a.m. in my home country now, I would like to say Good Night, World. Kindly feel free to post and I would come back soon)

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I don't use Sanboxie so I can't comment on that, but it shouldn't be incompatible with ESS in any way afaik and cause issues like this.


So the slow loading and (sometimes) crashes happen in all the browser you mention, IE, Chrome and Firefox ?


Personally I would try for a while without sandboxie and load one of your browsers without any add-ons enabled and go to a few sites that you know you had issues with, that way you only use ESS with the firewall and web access protection with protocol filtering and if the issue is in ESS you should still experience the issues that you mention.

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I would try that in my unsandboxed Chrome browser that doesn't have any third party add on at all. Thank You.

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I have tried to disable the protocol filtering and it seems that my network speed remains unaffected. No slowdown, no hang and no crash, but I don't understand why disabling protocol filtering would cause the web protection to become non-functional. Why can't the web protection of ESS work like EAV without protocol filtering? Besides, I also still have problem with crashing after responding to ESET interactive mode alert. I tried to delete the IE rules and open IE again to test if there was any crash. The IE did hang, not crash since I was able to exit it in the normal way, but this time the ESET interactive mode alert was hanged together and ESET GUI crashed (as shown below from the picture given). I actually had to reopen the IE and the interactive mode alert was gone, then the ESET GUI crash notification appeared. Restarted the program wouldn't work at all.



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I have tried to disable the protocol filtering and it seems that my network speed remains unaffected. No slowdown, no hang and no crash, but I don't understand why disabling protocol filtering would cause the web protection to become non-functional. Why can't the web protection of ESS work like EAV without protocol filtering?


Protocol filtering, which is what web protection does, is almost same in EAV and ESS.

Are you able to reproduce the issue if you temporarily uninstall ESS and install EAV instead?

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Ok, so let's install ESS again and try the following, one at a time:

1, Temporarily disable firewall via the tray icon right-click menu.

2, Disable Epfw LightWeight Filter in your network adapter setup.


Let us know how the above options affect the performance.

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Erm.... It seems okay.... I would need more time to inspect the network performance. However, may I know does disabling firewall will affect IDS? They are independent right?

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Some problems here: Sometimes or rarely the webpage will load slow and some contents do not load properly and also connection problem (shown in pic below)


Like this one,




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Do you maybe have SSL scanning enabled?


I haven't enabled SSL scanning actually. Anyway, my overall network performance is much much better if compare with the previous one.

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I would try and let you know soon. There is a user who is also facing network issue like me. Here is the post: hxxp://www.wilderssecurity.com/threads/eset-smart-security-info.373994/ (Kindly refer to post 15)


I would let you know latest by Monday. Thank You.

Hi Yongsua,


I am Naren from Wilders.


I tried EAV & ESS currently installed.

No prob yet except one.


With both EAV & ESS latest version 8, on Google Chrome, slow webpage loading, page cannot be displayed & sometimes page not loading fully.

If I exclude Chrome under Protocol Filtering then no probs.

So it seems protocol filtering is affecting Chrome.

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