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Network Traffic Scanner Allow List

Go to solution Solved by Marcos,

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Hello.  There is a website that some of our users need to go to watch training videos, but most of the time, the videos will not play.  If I go into Advanced setup in ESET Endpoint Security and turn off Detection engine->Network traffic scanner, the videos play with no issues.  Is there a whitelist option for the traffic scanner?  I have already whitelisted the URLs in Advanced setup->Protections->Web access protection->URL list management, but that doesn't help.  I really don't want to disable the scanner indefinitely, but it seems like I'll have to on the days that users want to watch their training videos.  Also, shouldn't ESET alert us that the traffic scanner is blocking a page from loading correctly?  We are running Endpoint Security v11.0.2044.0.  Thank you.


Edited by T3chGuy007
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If it's a public website, please provide step-by-step instructions how to reproduce the issue. If a specific url is blocked, you should get an alert about the blocked url. If there's no alert, there's most likely a technical issue or conflict with another installed software that is causing the issue.

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Hello.  There are actually two sites that won't play videos until we disable Network traffic scanner and they are both hosted by the same company.  One requires user credentials to play the video, but the other does not.  Instructions on how to replicate the problem on the public video are below.  Also, is there a setting that I can check to verify notifications aren't turned off for traffic scanner blocks?

1) Go to https://oups.org/idig-additional-resources/.
2) Scroll down to the bottom and click on UPDATED MAPPING AND ADDED FEATURES MODULE.
3) The page should load, but the video won't play.
4) Open ESET Advanced setup and go to Detection engine and disable Network traffic scanner.
5) Refresh the page and the video will load.

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The following procedure should make it work:

1, Export the SSL certificate used by https://cdn.coursettra.com
2, Navigate to Protections -> SSL/TLS -> Certificate rules -> Add in the advanced setup
3, Click File and select the certificate
4, Set Scan action to Ignore
5, Click OK to save settings


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