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ESET Protect Migration Scenario


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I have a question about ESET Protect migration.

is it possible for users to migrate from ESET Protect to another ESET Protect? for example from ESET Protect datacenter EU to US or vice versa.

Thank you.

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To my best knowledge, migration between data centers is not possible. However, you could report the request through your local ESET distributor or reseller to let ESET HQ know.

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1 hour ago, Marcos said:

To my best knowledge, migration between data centers is not possible. However, you could report the request through your local ESET distributor or reseller to let ESET HQ know.

Hi @Marcos

Is it possible use this policy one old instance to migrate clients to new instance ? 


And I also reach out how to migrate clients on cloud to the server on-prem (as i know on clout, the policy for agent has no the server connect and certificates for agent ) I can not install agent standalone to clients because i over 1600 clients. Do you have any suggestions for this ?


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