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About locked policy on Performance exclusions

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Hi everyone,

I checked on my endpoint ( client and server), after install endpoint, in Performance exclusions i saw many Exclude with locked that i was not config before.Could you please explain to me how to  these configurations appear and i can reference on where in guide ESET ?


Thanks in advanced.

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Those perf. exclusions were set by a policy which is being applied on the machine and therefore are locked.

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1 hour ago, Marcos said:

Those perf. exclusions were set by a policy which is being applied on the machine and therefore are locked.

Hi @Marcos,

Thanks your reply.It mean that Eset will automactic set these policy on client when it installed ? Could you please share to me the information about this feature ? 

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I've now realized it's ESET Server Security and those are automatic exclusions created as per the recommendations by the application makers:


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30 minutes ago, Marcos said:

I've now realized it's ESET Server Security and those are automatic exclusions created as per the recommendations by the application makers:


it's helpfull , thanks @Marcos


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