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Feature Request - clean from config files and folders that do not exist any more

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I wish to ask that you will add a feature that will be in the form of a UI button at windows of lists of files and/or folders (like in NOD32 config, of SSL application rules, but for any other similar lists as well, in other products as well) - that will purge from that ESET config list (best after showing the user the deletion candidate and let the user approve the action) - any files and/or folders that do no longer exist on the file system, that are actually stale.
Also consider adding a sub-feature to it - to run this operation automatically every X hours/days/etc.
Also consider doing the same for URLs (e.g. stale will mean any server response which is not 200 OK for 3 times within 7 days)

This will make the config tidier, and also prevent malicious files from impersonating as these stale object by taking there place on the file system and therefore take the benefits (mostly exclusions) or blocks driven from the ESET product config.

Thank you.

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There is a "Future changes to..." topic in each product's forum where users can post their suggestions for improvements. These are monitored by the ESET staff responsible for products.  We welcome any constructive feedback as it's our aim to tailor ESET products to our users' liking and needs.

As for the above suggestions, we already display the usage counter for firewall rules so you can delete those that have been applied rarely. Some suggestions have a lot of pitfalls when it comes to implementation and the solution to check blacklisted URLs is unrealistic.

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Thank you Marcos.

It is a general request that fit also other products, but I will post in the correct NOD32 forum section.

Well, the FW feature you mentioned is nice but not covering all the products' relevant sections.

Yes, URL is much more dynamic and hard for software to check due to anti-bot defenses at the sites.

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