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About lhiui81w

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  1. the point is that I want to prepare for recording with a total port for security, so that the software is the same for IDS, etc., so that there are no NAT attacks, etc., and that's why we ask, I don't know if it's possible, the company should provide the UDP and TCP port
  2. please all configuration port save block VIRUS add blocked all please
  3. Is it possible to add consent and blocking to the ports so that they are automatically directed to be rewritten to pfsense? Is it possible please?
  4. so if you know about it, you can do it there, maybe explain it step by step, since you know about it and you use pfsense with a company or something, and also Polish, because I have recently sent files with the words SPAM.zip to the laboratory with ESET, they should analyze it and give you an answer
  5. So you can translate from Polish because I'm Polish, sorry about English translations I don't know since I also contact GOOGLE because it's also Microsoft's fault but it should close Kail Linux only permissions who in white permissions it's for Kail Linux they use and in black it should be closed because VPN you know about this I should close the whole world and delete other applications android, tv etc and that's why I decided to make pfsense from build mini pc computer only what exactly IDS etc.
  6. So I have it turned off but which router in Windows attacks I don't know why but I know that they use VPN via KAIL LINUX should close the networks and the port completely and WINDOWS you have to contact Microsoft regarding blocking UPNP SSDP
  7. SSDP Discovery - Blocked (UPnP requests, svchost.exe) My router - Blocked (UPnP requests, svchost.exe as well) what kind of router do you want automatic blocking, does it have to have IDS etc. under pfsense will help or what should you require because I don't know what attacks are going on?
  8. You see, it should be blocked because they are illegal and should have been blocked a long time ago at the IP address CLOUDFLARE, I don't know if it's fake or what, and Google should block it and take care of sorting it out, and Eset should block it with virus removal
  9. tutaj, spakowany pod moim adresem e-mail, podałem powód, aby skontaktować się ze mną z tego adresu e-mail do Google
  10. I don't know why, after two minutes, a malicious one comes to me under GOOGLE CLOUD and GOOGLE, mostly not, check the email spam because I don't know where they get the email from, it should have stopped a long time ago, and then it comes "PORNO" XXX completely, and this website to control goes to contact CLOUDFLARE at https://hackforums.net/index.php, it's not legal, the one under the administration should be arrested and whoever bought it should stop asking for hacking because they still trade with NORWAY AND RUSSIA, you can report the control to CYBERSECURITY, you have quite an IP, etc.
  11. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/11cb5386cd5838b29d80ead01e0831ea7d77baea1b8aa3aa8bd8e8bcd6aa3f53/detection GOOGLE WORKS PLEASE format and start again on clean FIXED ALLLLL reset you server you problem fixed or connect plan you buy virustotal.com SERVER you alll virus please fixed not cloud google because you have a problem I see you have a lot of complaints and you can't help it doesn't give you the same power as GOOGLE WORKS PLEASE format and start again on clean ones and blocking hacked Norway and Russia stop BLOCKED PORN ALLL STOP HACKED STOP VPN NETWORK PLEASE FIXED MX.GOOGLE.com VIRUS alll stop fixed GOOGLE CLOUD email stop please check immediately and stop and also https://hackforums.net/index.php contact CLOUDFLARE STOPPPPPPPPP Nowy folder.rar
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