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stolen accounts


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as I have noticed my account for ESET is being played with and I thought no one have the password expect for family....
but doing A quick search in google to find this website CrazyHD.com 

they have this post: https://www.chd4.com/index.php?page=forum&action=viewtopic&topicid=8609&pages=3
where they posted emails and passwords of ESET users to everyone to use.


the only way I found to contact ESET is here. no email no phone number that works.


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It appears that all those addresses leaked in data breaches of 3rd party services. If such email address is used as an email address for ESET HOME, we notify the user about the breach and request the user to change the password if they haven't done so yet.

On the website above there are only public license IDs listed which are only used for identification of the license in communication with ESET and cannot be misused for activation of ESET products.

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12 minutes ago, Marcos said:

It appears that all those addresses leaked in data breaches of 3rd party services. If such email address is used as an email address for ESET HOME, we notify the user about the breach and request the user to change the password if they haven't done so yet.

that's the thing. I never got notified and when I found out about it. I had to change all my passwords.


isn't there a way to report that site to take it down?

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3 hours ago, zezo3600 said:

that's the thing. I never got notified and when I found out about it. I had to change all my passwords.


isn't there a way to report that site to take it down?

I could be wrong about this but I believe it is what Marcos means in simpler terms. 

Many places when you login take a fingerprint of you. Your location and likely a few other details are recorded. If the system sees you logging in from another country then it automatically sends you an email asking whether you just tried to login from another country. If it wasn't you then it advise you to change your password. 

So my guess is that the reason you have not received an email yet is because nobody has attempted to use your details to attempt to access your ESET account. 

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