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Sharing Password Manager over Windows PC and Android phone

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I'm sure this must be a done deal by now as it seems such a normal type of requirement.  Hope you can advise me and give me a starting point for the issue.

I'm a long time user of Eset software and I have Smart Security Premium set up on my family's Windows PCs with a multiple user licence.  I am using the Password Manager feature successfully, (Lastpass with its price hike is long gone).  I would like to be able to access my Password Manager Account entries on my phone when out and about.  I can't seem to get a handle on figuring out the starting point of that one.  I would imagine that I would need Eset SSP installed on the mobile too but I don't think they can be on the same licence.

Is this much simpler than I am imagining or is there some special requirement I have to fulfil before I can do this?

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I assume this is on the mobile you are talking about Marcos?  I have a feeling I did go through Play Store though I can't be certain of that now.

This is on the back of upgrading my PC installation of Internet Security Suite to Smart Security Premium in response to Eset's offer of a free upgrade until the next licence period.  I was looking to replace Lastpass anyway as they had a ridiculous hike in their price for just their Manager.  I would have upgraded Eset next licence date without that so it made sense to take up their offer.

I use Eset in Chrome and just searched for the Download online.  I guess it would probably have taken me to the Play Store.  I do remember reading somewhere else that that could lead to difficulties.

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I've just checked in the mobile licence on Eset's site and it does show as "ESET Mobile Security Google Play".  Does that affect whether I can access the Password Store from the phone?

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1 hour ago, Bordonbert said:

I've just checked in the mobile licence on Eset's site and it does show as "ESET Mobile Security Google Play".  Does that affect whether I can access the Password Store from the phone?

The password manager is available on desktop via browser extensions and for mobile via a separate app which I will link bellow. 

The old password manager was built directly into Eset but isn't anymore.


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The Password manager Android application is free, it does not require activation. You just install it and log in to your password store.

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We have it installed now Marcos.  It works - kind of!  We can login to the Password Store using its email address and the list populates correctly.  However, it doesn't autofill under any circumstances.  There is no autofill option in the Password Manager to tick.  The ability to autofill is definitely allowed in Android but Password Manager still doesn't enter the credentials itself and doesn't even offer the possible logins for you to choose from.  It requires Copy and Paste across into the site.  Other people seem to be finding this too from what I have read online.  I'm not sure where to go from here other than sending another report to Eset themselves.  If you or anyone can suggest anything else to try I would be glad to give it a go.

Edited by Bordonbert
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On 6/26/2022 at 2:18 PM, Bordonbert said:

We have it installed now Marcos.  It works - kind of!  We can login to the Password Store using its email address and the list populates correctly.  However, it doesn't autofill under any circumstances.  There is no autofill option in the Password Manager to tick.  The ability to autofill is definitely allowed in Android but Password Manager still doesn't enter the credentials itself and doesn't even offer the possible logins for you to choose from.  It requires Copy and Paste across into the site.  Other people seem to be finding this too from what I have read online.  I'm not sure where to go from here other than sending another report to Eset themselves.  If you or anyone can suggest anything else to try I would be glad to give it a go.

Not tried the password manager but have you checked permissions and battery settings as they seem to be one of the biggest issues phone related. 

https://dontkillmyapp.com/ is a good side to check battery settings 

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The only permission I can find which is relevant is the Android setting permission to autofill.  The android password manager has no option to allow or disable autofill for the app itself.

I'm on Android 11 and was totally unaware of the Adaptive Battery setting.  I've now switched it off for a while to check out the idea that it might just affect this issue.

In fact the problem has moved on a step.  After a reboot of the whole phone the Username can at least be filled in.  If I tap in the Username entry box the option ESET Password Manager is offered.  Tapping on that enters the Username.  Still no password though and that action has no effect in the Password entry box.  It still steadfastly refuses to enter the password for me.  My wife has a much older phone than mine which cannot move past Android 9.  She has the same problems and can't even get that same Username entry to work at all.

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7 hours ago, Bordonbert said:

The only permission I can find which is relevant is the Android setting permission to autofill.  The android password manager has no option to allow or disable autofill for the app itself.

I'm on Android 11 and was totally unaware of the Adaptive Battery setting.  I've now switched it off for a while to check out the idea that it might just affect this issue.

In fact the problem has moved on a step.  After a reboot of the whole phone the Username can at least be filled in.  If I tap in the Username entry box the option ESET Password Manager is offered.  Tapping on that enters the Username.  Still no password though and that action has no effect in the Password entry box.  It still steadfastly refuses to enter the password for me.  My wife has a much older phone than mine which cannot move past Android 9.  She has the same problems and can't even get that same Username entry to work at all.

I just installed it myself as I use another password manager. Set autofill to eset but the only thing that came up was the Google's password manager. Not sure if this is an android issue and might need a ticket submitted @Marcos wondering if it's worth someone from eset seeing if they can reproduce?

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3 hours ago, peteyt said:

I just installed it myself as I use another password manager. Set autofill to eset but the only thing that came up was the Google's password manager.

I've just tested it myself and didn't have any issues. Set ESET PM as the autofill service and used Firefox for the test.

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