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Mute ESET MDM Alert: Blocked applications not uninstalled from the device

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How do I mute a single alert. Is there a simple solution that I could toggle such as "mute this specific alert" for android devices.

Cant find how to do it on ESET Protect console. Cant find how to do it in policies.

Applications such as: Options, Google play stuff, maps, photos, YouTube Music and others, phone, calendar and others. I would like to block the usage of these app in my case, but I would not like to uninstall those apps, that is a bit to much, and that is why i get the alert.

Also I would not like to mute the whole device.


Best regards,


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Those are standard applications that are not normally detected. The case requires investigation instead of blindly ignoring the detection.

Ignoring particular detections can be done through an Endpoint policy for EES as follows:


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Hello Marcos,

Is there a threat name that work for: "Blocked applications not uninstalled from the device"

Else this is a bit drastic to ignore all the threats.

Best regards,


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