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I have go to gmail.com and i have get this


Is normal?

This ip is from google


Thank you

eset google.png

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47 minutes ago, MBP said:



Are you a home user as you posted in the home user area but 14 is the current version 

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Good afternoon,

Would the version have something to do with that I skipped a blacklist?

or is it a false positive?
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The IP address shown,, is associated with Google. However, this IP address is not associated with mail.google.com domain.

Are you accessing gmail via a browser or an e-mail client?

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Hi itman,

I was accessing an e-mail client via browser, i appears as i was trying to acces to another account from firefox or chrome


Thank you

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One other thing. Are you actually receiving Eset phishing alerts when you try to access Gmail from the browser:


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Im getting exactly this.


I have some gsuit mail users configured it in browsers and when I change it in some of this I get this advice



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Then we have deleted cookies and and haven't tried later but seems than dont get this


But i cannot tried it so long

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I really don't know what the problem is on your end. Given the widespread use of Gmail if this issue was widespread among Eset users, the forum would be bombarded with like postings.

Do as @Marcos instructed as to gathering and submitting Eset logs as he requested.

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Also, are you using some type of browser add-on/extension to access Gmail in the browsers? If so, access Gmail sign-on site directly via the browser search bar; e.g. https://accounts.google.com/signin/v2/identifier?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%2F&service=mail&sacu=1&rip=1&flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=ServiceLogin. If this is successful, the problem lies with the add-on/extension you are using to access Gmail.

Edited by itman
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