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Time Machine path is being ignored by real time scanner settings

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I have the path for the back up in the exclusions list for a long time now and ESET realtime scanner is still scanning them (local exclusions are working), the drive I am backing up to is not local to the machine but on the network (never have had scanning of network media enabled in Real-Time protection settings), the ESET scanning them is adding 4+ hours to Time Machine back ups.


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1 hour ago, Marcos said:

Please exclude:


I have had that for a few years, and still no go, the back up drive is not local to the machine or plugged into it, it is on the local network (yes Network Media is not checked in Real Time Scanner yet ESET is scanning every file as it is placed in the Network drive).

I also have the local snapshot path excluded and the Time Machine app and the process that does the backup, and the path to the network drive where the backups are being placed.  Local to the Mac drive paths work fine, but network locations are still being scanned.

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  • 4 weeks later...

ESET support has refused to help even tho I opened the ticket and sent screenshots and other things as they requested back in December, this is adding 2+ hours to back up less than .5GB.  Other times developers seem to ignore what I sent completely.

The back up drive is not physically connected to this Mac, it is on the local network, have reinstalled ESET completely a few times last year.  macOS mounts the drive when it is time to back up.  I sent ESET support screenshots of the paths being excluded and scanned object showing those paths being ignored (I think they are being ignored because they are a network path and ESET is thinking they are local/inside the machine).

Edited by Chas4
More info that I did sent to support and ESET support has so far refused to help
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  • 4 weeks later...

The path is a network volume /Volumes/.timemachine/DeviceName._afpovertcp._tcp.local./ and it is an ESET bug for the past few months where network volume exclusions are ignored.   Also the backup drive is APFS  I have a ticket and sent video and photos of the bug along with what ESET support asked for but have not heard back form support in almost 2 months.

This ESET bug add 6 to 12+ hours to back ups

6.10.700.0 did not fix it

Edited by Chas4
Added info about recent ESET update
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1 hour ago, Chas4 said:

have not heard back form support in almost 2 months.

Please provide the ticket ID so that we can inquire ESET LLC about the ticket and how it was dealt with.

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18 hours ago, Marcos said:

Please provide the ticket ID so that we can inquire ESET LLC about the ticket and how it was dealt with.

ESET Support Case Update: 454307 

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Just checked the speed via TheTimeMachineMechanic which pulls it from the logs and I am seeing speeds of around 0.37MB/s while ESET scans every file as it is transferred to the network drive on the network drive.

I have also watched real time scanner scanning the backup drive in the Protection Status

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time Machin don't work when ESET Cyber Secuity is switch on. 

I have made all proposed excludes ...


Uppdateringsmodul  1077 (20200622)
Antivirus- och antispionprogramskannermodul  1574 (20210423)
Detekteringsmotor  23366 (20210527)
Modul för arkivstöd  1318 (20210427)
Avancerad heuristikmodul  1207.1 (20210421)
Rensningsmodul  1017 (20210222)
Modul för konverteringsstöd  1860 (20210520)
Modul för Internetskydd  1423 (20210331)
Databasmodul  1112 (20200928)
Modul för snabb respons  18332 (20210527)
Mac-inställningsmodul  1031 (20201126)
Konfigurationsmodul  1940 (20210125)
Modul för skydd mot rootkits  1027 (20200826)
Modul för nätverksskydd  1688.4 (20210331)
Modul för SSL  1061 (20210510)

macOS 11.4 (20F71) (64-bit)
Darwin  (20.5.0)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770HQ CPU @ 2.20GHz (2200 MHz), 16384 MB RAM

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1 hour ago, SweWiking said:

Time Machin don't work when ESET Cyber Secuity is switch on. 

I have made all proposed excludes ...

Please collect logs as per https://support.eset.com/en/kb3404 and raise a support ticket with your local ESET distributor.

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  • 1 month later...

Still not heard anything in months from ESET support replied to the ticket with a log showing the big speed difference with ESET real time scanner scanning a network drive while it is being written to even tho ESET is set to ignore that path.

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ESET email server failed to process the email so I need ESET support to respond to ESET Support Case Update: 454307 to I can send the log showing the big speed change.


(could not edit my other comment due to a forum bug even tho it had been less than 5 minutes)

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  • 2 months later...

I opened a case in December 2020 and developers refused to read the logs and screen shots and videos I sent.  This bug causes what should be a 20 to 40 minute back up to be around 16 hours.

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