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FIrewall Rule


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Hi There,

I want to create firewall rule to allow traffic for application located on "C:\Users\userxyz\AppData\Local\test\Testing\Test.exe"

How can I create rule for 50 users because Path will be different for different users.

Example, for user 1 it will be C:\Users\userabc\AppData\Local\test\Testing\Test.exe" and for other will be C:\Users\user123\AppData\Local\test\Testing\Test.exe"

Product: ESET endpoint security for windows 7.2.2055.0

ESET Security Management Center (Server), Version 7.1 (7.1.717.0)

ESET Security Management Center (Web Console), Version 7.1 (7.1.393.0)       


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If I am not mistaken , you need to change the userabc to %UserProfile% and if you have different drives you can change it to %systemdrive% , If I am talking about something else , please correct me

You can do that by policy to all endpoints.

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