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Migrate ESMC from Windows Server to ESMC VA

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Is there any posibility to migrate ESMC installed on Windows server with MS SQL on ESMC VA based on CentOS with MySQL? I found the procedure with the certificates to migrate the agents, but if I want move the data base from MS SQL to MySQL I must install ESMC from scratch? (I dont want to keep ESMC on CentOS connected with MS SQL because I have only around 250 clients)

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Hmm, i would think if you do "clean install with same ip" it should work.

Of course thats more a manual move than a migration because you have to reconfigure everything like polices etc.
Did this once for a customer who wanted to move from VA to Windows and ist was less effort than i thougth.

By my experience its easier to keep all clients when you choose "same ip, same certs".

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On 8/21/2019 at 11:00 AM, Christian Stück said:

Hmm, i would think if you do "clean install with same ip" it should work.

Of course thats more a manual move than a migration because you have to reconfigure everything like polices etc.
Did this once for a customer who wanted to move from VA to Windows and ist was less effort than i thougth.

By my experience its easier to keep all clients when you choose "same ip, same certs".

Could you expand on this? What steps would you need to change in order to make this work? Would I need to adjust or verify in my policy that my clients connect back to the server IP? I assume that the agent connects back via IP and Cert.

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Hello Nates,

i don't want to outsmart ESET and this is a bit dirty but it worked for me once going from ESMC1 (VA) to ESMC2 (Windows)

My old database crashed, so it was not a bit loss anyway.

  1.     Export Certs on ESMC1
  2.     Setup ESMC2 from Scratch (with new ip / hostname)
  3.     Import Certs from ESMC1 in ESMC2
  4.     Set ESMC2 to use old Server Cert from ESMC1 (in Server Settings)
  5.     Resetup  Policies in ESMC2 (or maybe export/import), set groups etc.
  6.     Create Policy on ESMC1 with ESMC2 as Server Address
  7.     Clients will connect to ESMC2
  8.     When alle clients know ESMC2 shutdown ESMC1
  9.     Create Client Policy to use new Agent Cert (created at installation)
  10.     Set Server to use new Cert from ESMC2 (created at installation)
  11.     For some reason it works with both certs crossed for some time (as long as anybody knows both CAs?)

I even tried once to set up ESMC2 with the old ip

  1.     Export Certs on ESMC1
  2.     Shutdown ESMC1
  3.     Setup ESMC2 from Scratch (with old ip / hostname)
  4.     Import Certs from ESMC1 in ESMC2
  5.     Set ESMC2 to use old Server Cert from ESMC1 (in Server Settings)
  6.     Resetup  Policies in ESMC2 (or maybe export/import), set groups etc.
  7.     Clients will connect to ESMC2
  8.     Create Client Policy to use new Agent Cert (created at installation)
  9.     Set Server to use new Cert from ESMC2 (created at installation)
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