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Error al crear autoridad de certificado (Error while creating CA)

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En la infiormacion de la consola me sale error al crear autoridad de certificado y los equipo nos e conectan al reinstalar la consola por que el servidor tuvo problemas en windows y no pude rescart los certificados antes. Ahora que lo reinstale cree los certificados me da error en autoridad de certificado, pero está señalado con un gancho verde. Ahora hice un instalador con estos certificados y luego de instalar en un equipo el mismo se conecta al servidor. Pero si hago la instalación por tarea de cliente los equipos no se conectan

Como saber si error con gancho ver es solo un evento o tengo que corregir el certificado y como lo hago.




Machine translation:

In the information of the console I get an error when creating certificate authority and the team connects us when reinstalling the console because the server had problems in windows and I could not rescue the certificates before. Now that I reinstall it create the certificates I get error in certificate authority, but it is signaled with a green hook. Now I made an installer with these certificates and after installing on a computer it connects to the server. But if I do the installation by client task the computers do not connect

How to know if error with hook to see is just an event or I have to correct the certificate and how I do it.

Edited by Marcos
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  • Marcos changed the title to Error al crear autoridad de certificado (Error while creating CA)
  • Administrators

Try reinstalling the agent on a client using current CA and the peer certificate. Should connections to the ESMC server be still refused, please check C:\ProgramData\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Agent\EraAgentApplicationData\Logs\status.html  and the tracelog. You can post status.html here so that we can check the errors.

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I was able to do a manula installation with the new certificate was completed without problems. 

But I cant do not it from a task . Does not conected to customers o pc´s .

Attachment trace.

Thanks for the help ..!



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