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Encrypted Network Traffic


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We are using V 7.0.2073.1 for about a dozen pc. Recently we added another one to the domain - this pc used to have NOD installed (Home Version (latest) and it worked fine) . We uninstalled the Home version and then installed Endpoint but I note that on this PC (only) Eset's man in the middle process causes problems. The attached error message pops up and despite trying to train my pc to block every time (ie remember),  Eset does not learn. Next time I log on, it's the same. 

In general these are links to google plus, twitter, facebook or some ad servers, so I am happy to block these every time. What should I do to have this pc behave like it used to before or how the other pc behave on the same network, ie  NOD is quietly working in the background? 

NOD Errror.png

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This has nothing to do with ESET; if ESET didn't report the certificate as untrusted, the browser would. Check the system date and make sure it's correct.

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Marcos, I am a bit confused. 

The system date is fine, and the alert is being served by Eset Endpoint Antivirus.  These are not some obscure sites but since this is a secondary workplace for me, I only access regular sites.  If I go to google, usually google plus comes up, many newspaper sites will present with options for Twitter or Facebook  and the issue is that even though I am telling Eset to block the communication and to remember this for this certificate, next time I am asked again. 

I remembered that I had a similar issue a year ago and at that time found some post to deal with that (inconclusively though  prior example -

at that time the issue went away but this time it's ongoing and annoying.  I have not yet tried the advice from MarcFL yet as it was criticised so much but being asked the same question over and over again for basically the same sites and NOD forgetting the prior instructions, makes me wonder.

I also found this post more recent with a similar issue

here you refer to consumer products already dealing with it differently but endpoint to follow soon - any update on this. Maybe I am the only one  in the other office to be affected by these problems as I run as administrator ?

Edited by beethoven
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Please click the "untrusted certificate" link and provide a screen shot of details where Validity -> Not after is visible, e.g.


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Hi Marcos,

back in the other office, here is the first cert screenshot as requested.

Time of my pc is correct/confirmed showing Friday, 11 Jan 2019 and correct time.

google plus.jpg


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Looking at the details of the certificate I notice the reference to OpenDNS and I wonder if this is relevant.  

We are using Open DNS for this site to block social media sites and similar stuff by default - could this be the reason.  Again, the issue only pops up on my pc - all the other pc running the system endpoint program and OpenDNS don't have this issue.

Edited by beethoven
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