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download installer stuck at 24%. every time.

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Hi all.
found strange problem.

I'm running ESMC server Version 7.0 (7.0.577.0) at windows server 2016.

created new all-in-one installer for windows file server, v 7.0.12016.0

Tried to download x86 version - no problem.

tried to download x64 version - it stops with "internal server error"

set up US repo server, same problem.

cleaned http proxy cache - same problem.

going to trace logs.

here is it:

2018-12-05 22:14:06 Information: CInstallersModule [Thread 2438]: Repository: Downloading repository package 'hxxp://us-repository.eset.com/v1/com/eset/apps/business/efs/windows/v7/7.0.12016.0/efsw_nt64_enu.msi'
2018-12-05 22:15:24 Error: CInstallersModule [Thread 2438]: CInstallerPackageProcessor::BuilderThread end unexpected with error: GetFile: Error reading HTTP response data (0x4e2a)
2018-12-05 22:15:25 Information: AutomationModule [Thread 2bc0]: StaticObjectChangeHandler: PerformCheckForWork: Starting to check for new work.
2018-12-05 22:15:25 Information: AutomationModule [Thread 2bc0]: StaticObjectChangeHandler: PerformCheckForWork: No relevant changes detected: FirstIncludedTransaction=2248, LastIncludedTransaction=2248.
2018-12-05 22:15:25 Information: ConsoleApiModule [Thread 25e8]: 112 GetFileProgress request received.
2018-12-05 22:15:25 Error: ConsoleApiModule [Thread 25e8]: 112 Unexpected error while processing GetFileProgress request: GetFile: Error reading HTTP response data (0x4e2a)

copy-pasted download link to web browser of that server - download stuck at 24%

any other pc's in that network - stuck at 24%

tried on my home pc - downloaded all 100%


any ideas?

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11 minutes ago, Marcos said:

Try using the default repository server that should be closer to your country.

same problem.

2018-12-05 22:56:42 Error: CInstallersModule [Thread 2fcc]: CInstallerPackageProcessor::BuilderThread end unexpected with error: GetFile: Error reading HTTP response data (0x4e2a)
2018-12-05 22:56:42 Information: ConsoleApiModule [Thread 57c]: 1 GetFileProgress request received.
2018-12-05 22:56:42 Error: ConsoleApiModule [Thread 57c]: 1 Unexpected error while processing GetFileProgress request: GetFile: Error reading HTTP response data (0x4e2a)



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  • ESET Staff
38 minutes ago, Dekado said:

found something.

it looks like that problem occurs only at hyper-v hosted servers.

Is there any enterprise-grade firewall between those hosts and ESET repository servers? We have seen similar behavior, there are even firewall that are tampering with file content ...

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