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Failed to synchronize packet repository

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Hello everybody,

I'm currently facing an issue with deployment of the latest Eset Endpoint Antivirus to clients from my ESMC (v.7 migrated from 6).

Everything is fine if I work on the subnet where the ESMC server is. But I also need to manage 3 remote locations, each with its own VPN link, subnet, and local Apache HTTP proxy.

Updating/remotely installing the client agents always works. Remote uninstall of 5.2 and previous ESET products also works. Upgrading from 6.6 to 7 via "Upgrade ESET products" or pushing installation of ESET Endpoint Antivirus 7 almost always returns this message: "Impossibile sincronizzare archivio pacchetto. Consultare il messaggio di traccia per maggiori dettagli", which should translate to "Failed to synchronize packet repository. Check message trace for more details".

Again, on the main subnet everything is fine, and in the rare cases where the remote install doesn't show the message on the other subnets, the upgrade/install works fine.

The proxy cache is populated and set to only accept ESET traffic.

Is it a bandwidth problem? (speaking of which, is there a way to limit the software transfer speed for ESMC?)


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Hi MichalJ,

ESMC server bears private IP and serves correctly 192.168.1.x and 192.168.2.x subnets

Remote locations got 192.168.6.x , 192.168.8.x and 192.168.18.x subnets.

The whole thing should not be accessible from outside and is on premise.

Edited by database
Mispelled MichalJ
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Hi Marcos,

I didn't configure ESMC to be accessible from outside, except for participation to Product improvement.

I'll send our public address to MichalJ if he needs it the same.

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Is MichalJ alive and well?

My PM to him was sent last week and it's still marked as not read.

As a workaround I'm distributing the agent via ESMC and then installing the default installer from your website, but I'd prefer to do everything through ERA.


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Update: MichalJ got back to me immediately today via PM. He did submit my case to the appropriate staff, but the PM was not marked as read because of PM redirection to his email address (the email was read and forwarded, but the PM was not).

Thanks to both Marcos and MichalJ for their support - let's wait and see if the logs reveal something.

Is there some documentation on what data does ESMC send, and where it's sent to? Is this reporting optional, or essential for ESMC to work?

I suppose some degree of logging and connectivity is required to distribute updates and such, but I'd like to learn some more about those "remote logs".


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