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Hello Forum,

                I've been using Drweb since 2004 and never had a virus or anything bad. I have now been using Ess 7 ( 30 day trail ) for the last 14 days and very pleased with its performance.Its 30% faster than Drweb on my laptop which surprised me. I just hope that I receive the same protection as I did with Drweb.If I do, I will purchase Ess 7. Has anyone here changed from Drweb to Eset.

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Hello Forum, Has anyone here changed from Drweb to Eset.

Hello badcompany

No but I have been trying Dr.Web Security Space, for a period. Found the protection to be quite good. Was testing its abilities, in Vmware and with malwaresamples from a honeypot. Gave a overall good impression, but found it to drag down the speed of my system too much. You ask if Eset will give you the same level of protection . To be honest, then it is a hard question to answer. There is too many variables. But I have absolutely no doubt, that Eset will match the level of protection, that you were used to, from Dr. web. (That is of course an answer, you can expect to receive, when asking here in this forum :)). My only advice I feel I can give you is, that I think you should choose that security solution that you feel most secure with. But if you should choose Eset, then I don't think you will be disappointed at all.

Regards Janus :-))

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Read your comments over at Wilders, so I thought I would give my .0002 cents here  :mellow:

I am not sure I can answer your question "as stated", but I will try :P

I have not "stopped" using the good doctor, as I still have it on one of my PC's (not with their cloud feature, as that slows down the connection). As this is not a comparison I will not go any further.

I also have ESS 7 on three of my PC's and my smartphone, that is the type of trust I have in ESS 7. I have never had an infection (now that I say that, it will hit me .. lol) with either of the suites mentioned.

However, while most will maintain that the defaults on ESS 7 are more than adequate, I usually go in and tweak the settings to my satisfaction.

My use of both go back a few years (ESS 4, I think and before that I was a NOD32 user) and the other since 2003, just to give some perspective, NOT a comparison.

IMHO the protection by ESS 7 is highly efficient, effective and unobtrusive (no popups with questions), it just works. You will not be disappointed with your purchase.

I hope that helps :mellow:

Cheers :D

Edited by ncc1707
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Thanks for the replies much appreciated.I'm finding ess 7 easyer to tweak and set-up than Drweb,and the gui is very clear.Do you know of any discounts for ess 7 as £40 is a bit heavy this time of year.Also, do you know why the icon on my desktop has a letter E in it, and the one in the system tray has a letter i.Can I change the letter i to a letter E in the system tray.

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Hello, you should have a green "e" in your systray too, the "i" means that the product wants your attention and the icon should be orange in this case, it could be anything from missing Windows Updates that the product check for (if you haven't turned that off in the setup tree) or something else.


When you see the "i" open up the main GUI and the product should tell you the reason why it shows the "i" instead of the normal green "e". HTH  :)

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found the problem, I had not deleted the Anti theft option.Many thanks.

I see, so you now have the green "e" in the systray too right? 

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Very good then it works as it should. Glad you started to use ESET, and as others said i'm sure you won't be disappointed with it's performance.  :D


FYI on this page you can read a bit more about the power under the hood so to speak: hxxp://www.eset.com/int/about/technology/

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