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remote tasks never start

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I recently have installed a new remote administrator on my windows domain controller server and want to activate my first remote client.

first problem, after created a installer when want to download it, the task never start, 32 bit and 64 bit is the same.

second problem, when want to activate a remote product(endpoint antivirus) the task never start, before that installed the antivirus manually.

I deactivate the proxy setting and allowed internet access in both (server and client), there are not proxy problems.

the server is windows srv 2008 and client win7 pro.

please some suggestion.

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  • ESET Staff

Hi, I have few questions:

  • do you have successfully installed ERA Agents on your client computers and are they connecting? (see the Last connection in the Dashboard)
  • Do you use ERA proxy or HTTP Proxy?
  • Do your clients have direct visibility to your ERA Server machine? (or they have to go via proxy?)
  • It the activation task never starts, what do you see in its execution history?


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