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unexpected PING command to windows.time.com

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All of a sudden, ESS firewall is asking permision for the PING command. It requests access to the two DNS servers of my ISP. When I look in task manager, I see the command:


c:\windows\system32\ping.exe time.windows.com /n 2


Anyone any ideas what is happening here, is it safe?

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Well dns is used for converting ip to hostname and visa versa.

So if your sending out ping time.windows.com then its job is to look on the world wide web and find it, then issue back the address for you 10.x.x.x


where do you see this "c:\windows\system32\ping.exe time.windows.com /n 2"  in task manager ? As a process ? As a service ?


Your DNS servers are not going to be harmful.

You could try adding them to the exclusions list in ESS and then reproducing the connection to windows time servers by clicking "change date and time" from the clock and then selecting Internet time tab.


Report back your findings please . . . :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Using process explorer, I found the following process tree:


wininit.exe -> svchost.exe -> sdiagnhost.exe -> ping.exe


Does this mean anything? Perhaps anything malicious?

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