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Unable to start ESET Remote Administrator Agent on Gentoo Linux

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I'm trying to install ESET Remote Administrator Agent on Gentoo Linux. Despite it not being an officially supported distribution, installing seems to work except for the very last step when the install script tries to start ESET as a service (as you can see in the attached installation_console_out.txt).

I managed to created a script which starts up ESET as a deamon and put it to /etc/init.d. However, when OpenRC starts the script, ESET crashes, because a shared library doesn't appear to be around:


Loading kernel
Logging to directory /var/log/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Agent/
Optional library was not loaded: /opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Agent/EIAgentConnector.so, error: /opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Agent/EIAgentConnector.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Running ... (Press ctrl+c to stop)

The shared object is indeed missing:


# ls    
Automation.so       Database.so      DynamicGroups.so         ESLCConnector.so  Kernel.so            NOTICE          Protobuf.so           Replication.so  ServerApi.so  updater.so
Cleanup.so          DataMiners.so    ERAAgent                 ESSConnector.so   MDMCoreConnector.so  OSConnector.so  ProxyConnector.so     Scheduler.so    setup         Updates.so
DALNativeSQLite.so  DiagnosticAgent  ERAG1ClientConnector.so  EVSAConnector.so  Network.so           Policies.so     RDSensorConnector.so  Security.so     Symbols.so    VAHCoreConnector.so


Why is it missing? How can I install it?

Thanks in advance


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  • ESET Staff

Actually there seems to be different problem. Missing library is not fatal in this case and output "Running ..." indicates that initialization phase is successfully finished.

Please enable full AGENT trace logging by creating empty file:

touch /var/log/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Agent/traceAll

and try to restart AGENT multiple times, ideally at least once as daemon and also manually as in your previous post. Once this is done, please post me privately generated AGENT trace log (see details in troubleshooting documentation).

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Thanks Martin for your response

Attached you will find the log files. What puzzles me is the last log message which says "Product is not available, canceling tasks". Do I have to install anything additionally besides the Remote Agent?

Best regards


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  • ESET Staff

Seems there is problem with "already used port" on the machine:

2017-11-10 08:17:55 Error: ERAG1ClientConnector [Thread 7f6d10ff9700]: <SERVER> socket bind failed 72, sockType: ipv4
2017-11-10 08:17:55 Error: ERAG1ClientConnector [Thread 7f6d10ff9700]: <SERVER> Unable to create server sockets.

where default port for this service is 2225. This sub-module is started because there is legacy product installed on this machine.

According to other trace log error, there are even other ports already used - are you sure there is no other AGENT running at the same time? Or is it possible that there is something blocking AGENTs attempts to use network ports?

Status.html logs shows, that until AGENT shuts down because of inability to bind network port, it was able to connect to ERA server, so I don't think there is any other problem.

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You are right. The Agent was actually started several times. I killed all of the processes.

I started it again by using the "rc-service eset start" command. Then, I checked the status with "rc-service eset status" which returned "status: crashed", however, the logs suggest something very different (see attached).

According to the logs, it looks as if ESET was started correctly and is actually running just fine. It's just that rc-service returns a misleading message... But it defintely not an issue with ESET.



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  • ESET Staff

Seems there is something wrong with detection of running daemon, and that is why another process instance is being started. Unfortunately Gentoo is not in list of supported, nor tested distributions, so it may take some time until we find out what is the problem.

Just to be sure, Gentoo is not using systemd or upstart, but standard init.v scripts as daemon manager?

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