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I just installed NordVPN from the Mac Apple Store but it seems that ESET is messing with it and I get disconnected every 2 seconds.

Is there anyone facing the same issue? Any solution?



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Hi Bruno,

I would see how you go with version, and if you’re still having issues, try running NordVPN with the Firewall in ECSP disabled. If it works, I would suggest looking into the Firewall configuration to whitelist the processes used (eg. openvpn, NordVPN.app, etc.).

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Everything is working fine now. I set up the right rules to make it work.

The other concern was with Sonos application. There again I went through the interactive mode to get the right rules.

See screen shot attached.

Screen Shot 2017-07-12 at 17.46.39.jpg

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That’s great Bruno, good to see that adding exceptions via rules is allowing NordVPN and Sonos to work successfully.

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