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Have any of you tried to install the latest remote administrator using Docker? We are trying to find information but we could find nothing so far.

Best Regards


  • ESET Staff

Have you any specific questions?

I don't think it is officially supported, but it should work without any problems once all required dependencies are resolved. It is even possible to distribute ERA infrastructure into multiple docker containers (ERA Server + ERA Agent, MySQL or SQLServer for Linux and Tomcat+WebConsole).


I have not any specific question as I havent started putting my hands on it but for example:

- If anyone has tried before me, how is it done or how they have done it?

- If no one tried before, which is the best way to do it? Any recommendations?

Best Regards


  • ESET Staff

I can give you some hints what has to be done. Installation of ERA environment in docker containers will require at least intermediate knowledge of docker and linux environment.

My recommendation is to split ERA environment into 3 separate docker containers:

  1. Database container. We are using MySQL 5.6, i.e. container mysql:5.6 should be fine, but it is possible to use also version 5.7. Official MySQL images have support for using custom database configuration file -> you will need it to configure MySQL so that it is usable with ERA (see documentation). Also be aware that database has to be persisted & backuped as it will hold all ERA data.
  2. ERA WebConsole container: used to host ERA WebConsole (= java-based frontend). For example tomcat:8 container should work. You have to deploy era.war into container (tomcat) and configure ERA WebConsole so that it is connecting to ERA server. This requires manual modification of file EraWebServerConfig.properties located in WebConsole deploy directory (server_address parameter). You will have to configure tomcat manually to use TLS + HTTP certificate. This container will provide user interface to ERA, i.e. it has to be exposed to network so that users can access console.
  3. ERA container: Basically It can be based on any supported linux distribution. You will have to install required packages (see linux installation prerequisites) and ERA Server with DB parameter pointing to linked mysql container. It is also recommended to install ERA Agent in the same container. Depends on chosen linux distribution (and daemon manager it is using) that you will have to start ERA daemons manually during container startup, because systemd and upstart may not work correctly in docker environment.

There are also other possibilities - for example only one docker container with all components may be used. It may be reasonable to use one container for ERA WebConsole and ERA Server -> configuration will be easier.

Also be aware that automatic upgrade of ERA components may not works correctly in docker environment, especially in case separate containers are used.



Thanks for the information. We will try it that way and see how far we can go.

Best Regards


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